Bittersweet Home

Day One.

Oh god oh god oh god... I'm not ready for this... I tried to calm my racing thoughts as the two gray silohs came into veiw. At least this part of town haddn't changed. I didn't think I'd get into town this fast... I should have spent that extra night in chicago.

Quit being a baby! I told myself. Its just a house. Just a town. They're completely different now. So are you. You're Danica now, not Joselyn. I drove down the familiar streets, noticing all of the small changes. A house gone there, a store mad bigger on that corner... But as I pulled onto my street, I saw everything was the same. I almost expected to see my Granny gardening infront of her house--which was just two houses down from mine--and my best friends black labrador tied the tree infront of her old house.

But Granny was dead, and Becca (said friend) was married to my brother and living back in Trainville. I parked in front of my new (old?) house, and just let the car idle for a minute, staring out the windsheild and letting the memories wash over me. Trick-or-treating...riding my bike...walking home from school...talking to friends...all happened on this one street.

Was a ready to start all over again?

Yes. Yes yes yes. I loved this town, and the people in it, too much to say no. I turned off the ignition, and grabbed my duffel bags from the backseat, and got out of the car. Finally, I turned to look at the house that I spent almost eight years of my life in.
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Yes, its short. But I wanted to get a feel of the story before I start writting incredibly long chapters. Comment if its worth it. :]