Perfect is a Lie

Chapter 10

I sighed, packing up my things into the suitcase, Alex and Rian in the doorway.

"Boo, why don't you just stay here?" Alex asked, his arms crossed.

"Because, Alex, I need to go back to my job, and parents."

"Leave them?" Rian asked, staring at me.

"Ri Ri, like I would ever do that." I pursed my lips, looking at them. I walked over, pulling them both into a big hug.

Yesterday, was filled with so much. I met Kara, I met a lot of people actually. We walked around, a lot, and shopped, a lot. It was too much, actually. I was so tired when I got home, that I didn't even take a shower. I just headed straight to my room, and fell asleep.

"Well, then I want you to have something," Alex said, before walking into his room.

When he came back, what was held in his hands kind of surprised me.

His favorite jacket.

"Oh, Alex, no, no, no. I can't do that. That's your - "

"Shut up and take it. I think you deserve it," he said smiling. I took it none the less, before I look off the necklace around my neck. Nothing a whole lot, just a plain, silver 'A' with a plain silver chain.

"Then you get this," I mumbled, placing it around his neck. He smiled, nodding.


I was set to leave in about three hours. It was a lot sadder then I thought it was going to be. I've ready cried four times, and it was only 3 in the afternoon. Rian once, Alex more then once. And the rest of the gang was going to be over in a few minutes.

"Ah, Ava, I'm going to miss you," Alex yelled, giving me a behind hug, kissing my cheek sloppily. I screamed, turning around and slapping his chest. He laughed, as I began to wipe my cheek.

"You just are just too cute!" Rian yelled, walking out of my room.

"That was gross," I stated.

"Oh, really? I thought you'd like it," he said, winking. I felt my cheeks on fire, as I looked down, Alex's arms still rapped around me. Why the fuck did he have to say that?

"You're an ass," I stated, glaring up at him, as the door bell rang.

"I know," he said smugly, as I pulled his arms off of me. Like I said, he never pulls away.

I walked out of my room, walking over and giving Jack a big hug, before moving to the rest of the.

"Will you feed me?" Jack asked, pulling me back to him. I laughed, nodding.

"I could do that," I said smiling. Running a hand through my hair, I walked to the kitchen. I pulled out the items I needed for stir fry. Soy sauce, noodles, vegetables. The smell just erupted through out the house once I started to put everything together.

I was almost just debating on staying. This is what I loved to do. Just to take care of them. I got to feed them, love them, make sure they were safe. Even if they wanted me to move down here because they wanted to keep me safe, I had the same intention for them as well. How else will they feed themselves? I mean, you've seen how thin they are. Imagine what they will be like after I leave.

"Smells good," Alex said, leaning agents the cabinets, sipping on his water.

"Almost done," I replied, stirring it once again. I heard his cup get put down, as I felt his eye stare holes on me. It wasn't uncomfortable or anything, but the fact that I could feel it kinda bothered me. "What?" I asked with a laugh, finally looking over at him.

Alex smiled at me, before shaking his head, saying, "Nothing." I giggled, turning off the stove and getting the boys' food on the table, with the help of Alex. I called them in, telling them that we needed to eat quickly, I needed to leave in a half an hour.

"Still not staying?" Jack asked. I shook my head. "Damn."


"Don't leave me," Jack sobbed, squeezing the day outta me. I cried into his shirt, holding it for dear life, before moving onto Rian, then Vinny and Zack. When it was finally Alex's turn, I hated seeing him like that. His hands tucked into his pockets, his hair covering his eyes, before he pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around me, and holding onto the sides of his jacket.

"I'm going to miss you so fucking much," he mumbled into my hair, kissing the top of my head. I nodded, holding him the same way. We stayed that way for quite awhile, before Rian ripped us apart, telling me that I better go get in line. I nodded, giving them all one last hug, before slowly making my way to the line.

"Ava, wait," Alex yelled, running over to me. I turned around, looking at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Listen, I know this is sort of do late, and - screw it." And that's when I felt it.

His hands cupped my cheeks, and he pulled me up onto my tip toes, kissing me in the sweetest, passionate kiss I think I've ever had in my entire short life. The way his lips gently touched mine at first, before deepening it. I dropped my bag, placing my hands on the back of his neck, pulling me closer to him. In the background, I could hear our friends cheering, clapping, cat calls. Alex smiled could be felt on my lips, chuckling lightly to himself.

I didn't want to pull away, but I knew I needed to. I looked at him, his eyes giving my face a once over.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't leave you like that." He smiled, placing his hands on my waist. I smiled up at him.

"Why the fuck are you sorry?" I laughed.

"I don't know really," he said, smiling. I don't think I've seen such a great smile on him before.

I giggled, before pulling him into another kiss, before running back into line, as they fallowed me until the very last send they could.

I couldreally get used to this.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's over...
Sequel? I don't know... What do you guys think? I gotta have more then one, that's for sure.
Comment? Tell me what you think.
Love you guys.