

"Oh. My. God."
"Juliet. You complete and utter-"
"GODDAMN FOOL! We've gone back twentyyears!"
"... So?"
"Oh jeez. Shut it. At least we can't run into ourselves."
"Oh because that makes everythingbetter!"
"Oh chill out, Autumn!"
"Lies! We've got this." I held up the time turner, grinning.
"Oh dear God. If you lose it, I will kill you."
"No problem." I hung its chain around my neck. "All safe? See? So what's say we go look around, and-"

A head popped out from around the corner of the wall. It had a head of scruffy black hair, and a pair of glasses. It was grinning like a crazy man. And he was the spit of Harry Potter.
"Holy shit. It's James." Draco whispered.

The boy walked over to us. He was lanky and tall, and was soon joined by three others. One was handsome, with black long-ish hair, kind of like Jazz's but straight, one was tall and had scars on his face, with brown hair and an inquisitive expression.
The other...
Well, he was just plain ugly, to be honest. Small and mousey and twitching.

James, Sirius, Lupin, and Pettigrew.

It felt weird to think that at one point I was taught by one of these guys.
Even weirder that the very same guy was pretty cute.
Autumn was stood, her mouth hanging open very slightly. Jasper still looked confused, and Draco was stood glaring at Potter.

"Oohhh... New meat!" Sirius beamed. "This school's been needing some new people."
"Sirius, don't be cruel." Lupin sighed, extending his arm. "Remus Lupin, nice to meet you." Autumn shook his hand gingerly.
"Their robes look a little... weird." Sirius muttered, rubbing his chin.
"You can say that again." James muttered. "So, I'm James. This freak here is Sirius-"
"I prefer 'the stylish and sexy one'."
"Yeah, right. You already know him," He nodded towards Lupin. "And tubby over here is Peter."
She small boy shrank back when we turned towards him.

"Well... You guys don't talk much, do you?" James laughed fakely.
Seeing as no one else was going to do anything, I took a step forward.
"I'm Juliet Portman. She's Autumn Roberts, Jasper Berry, and Draco Mal..."
Draco coughed, shaking his head.
"Draco Mil... Milkshake."
"Milkshake?" Sirius sniggered.
"Er... Yeah. He's from... Somewhere foreign. Very popular last name over there."
"Ohhh...Kay... Then." James gave a look of disbelief.
"You're a bit of a strange motley crew, aren't you?" Lupin asked.
"How... how so?" Jasper stammered.
"Two Ravenclaws, a Hufflepuff... But a Slytherin?"
"Erm... We get along pretty well." Jasper laughed weakly.
"Yeah, you must. Well. Lessons now. We might catch up with you at lunch. You're going to need someone to show you around. Hogwarts is a pretty big place." Sirius patted me on the head as he walked past. "Especially for such little people."

I couldn't help it. Instinct took over. I was so used to it being Draco; I forgot that this poor guy probably wasn't so used to being elbowed in the stomach.
Especially as he doubled over, taking a deep breath.
"Oh. Crap. Sorry!" I went over to help him up.
"Merlin... You pack a punch for such a little... Erm..."
He saw the look on my face.
"For a girl." He wheezed.
"Yeah, I know. It's a curse."
"You got that right..." Draco muttered.
I reached round and elbowed him too. Sirius gave him a quizzical look.
"You learn to live with it."

Autumn took hold of Jasper's arm. "So... Err... Yeah... See you guys at lunch." she waved weakly before retreating into the castle. Me and Draco followed them, whilst the 'Marauders' shuffled off somewhere.

"So... Draco Milkshake?" Autumn smirked.
"Yes?" Draco snarled.
"I'm guessing you bring all the boys to the yard?"
He gave her a look of utter disapproval.
"First thing, I have no idea what you're talking about. Second thing." He pointed to his head. "This face. No one can resist it. So yeah, I probably do. Whether I like it or not."
"Bloody ego..." Autumn muttered.

"Erm... You guys?"
"Yes, Juliet?"
"What lesson are we going to?"
"... Oh. Never thought of that."
"Potions." Draco grinned.
"No, Juliet. We should go to Herbology."
"Defence Against the Dark Arts! Jasper, Herbology is boring!"
"Autumn, that's stupid. They'd be using all old spells we might not know!" I grabbed Draco's hand and dragged him off down a corridor. "Weare going to Transfiguration!"
"Yeah, well weare going to Defence Against the Dark Arts!" Autumn huffed.
"Meet you outside the great hall?"
And with that, we each wandered off.
Draco and Jasper, as per usual, got no say in the matter.