

I was sitting and eating with the Marauders, Jasper had warned me that spending too much time with my mother and father could be harmful, so I'd taken to avoiding them whenever possible.

Right about to take another bite of my toast, I wondered once more whether or not we would be stuck here forever. Were people missing us back at Hogwarts? Were my parents missing me?
Probably not.

It could all soon be fixed though, if they were.
I sighed, looking at the doors, waiting for Juliet to burst through them, her big goofy smile plastered onto her face.
And sure enough, she did.

I swear to God, I nearly choked on my toast.

Sirius was the first to reach her, leaping up out of his seat and bounding over to Juliet, picking her up and spinning her around in circles. He lowered her gently back down to the floor, and then walked over to the table. She followed close behind, jumping about. I watched distastefully, but smiled when I heard her call my name.
“JULIET!.. How did you get back?”
She made Sirius move from his seat next to me, and plonked herself down in between the two of us.
“Right, well... Oi, move up Sirius!”
“Sorry, sorry. Hey, you know I missed you, right?” He ruffled her hair.
In a really annoying way.

I’m much better at... eh... Hair-ruffling.
Stupid mutt.
Well, at least he dies.
Hah. I don’t die.
And I’m richer than him too.

“Of course, everyone misses me!”
“Oh... Just saying.”
Sometimes, I was thankful to Jools’s complete obliviousness.
“So, how did you get back?” I asked once more.
“Well, we just turned the time turner back. We were on time... More or less. Hey, we saw future Jazz!”
“I heard my name?” Jasper called from the other end of the group.
“Good news, Jazzy! You’re still alive when you’re thirty!”
“... Oh joy.”

“So, anyway, we’re going back now.”
Autumn suddenly threw open the doors to the great hall, looking all flustered.
“Come on your guys, we’re leaving.”
“But you only just got here!” Sirius whimpered, throwing his arms around Juliet’s waist as she stood up, attempting to make ‘puppy eyes’. He just looked like a fool, in my opinion.

“We don’t see you for three months then you finallyget back, then you’re gone? No explanation?”
“Erm... time turner?” Juliet offered, patting his head.
“You’ll get used to it... Oh, then again, maybe not.” I muttered, taking hold of Juliet’s arm and walking with her and Jasper to the doors of the great hall.
“Promise to write?” Sirius called out.
“Yeah, su-”
I pushed her out of the door, ignoring her numerous complaints.

“Where’s Lupin?” Jasper asked, looking around.
“Lupe-who? Oh, him? He went... To study... Some more.” Autumn replied with a shrug.
“Right, everyone held on tight?” I asked. “Juliet, this means you.”
“Wha-?” She was busy watching a butterfly flutter off.
I swear there is no one as dozy as her.
Except Jazz, maybe.

“Grab on.”
“That’s what she said.”
“I’m officially sick of you saying that.”
“Shut up.”
She took hold of the chain, and Autumn spun the top of the time turner.
“Let’s hope we’re right this time, eh?”
“Don’t even joke about that, Juliet.” Autumn muttered.
Once again I got that sickly feeling of time-travel. Juliet was seemingly starting to enjoy it though, as her face has a stupidly huge grin plastered all over it.

We all fell onto the floor.
Awh, crap.
That’s going to hurt in the morning.
I lifted myself up and brushed myself down, kicking the rock which had ‘cushioned’ my fall.
“Hey, Draco!” Blaise came running towards me. “Got that potions essay done?”
Thank God we were in the right time.
“Yeah, sure. I’ll give it to you at lunch.”
“But... It’s lunch now?”
“It’s what-? Oh... Erm... Err... I’ll give it to you tonight.”
Maybe not exactly the right time then.