Neighbor Kids

So call the neighbor kids,
with trash can lids and buckets on their heads.
Cause I'm telling you,
we're gonna need a little help tonight.

I'm Jessica, and this is my short story about how I became brave. The only problem I have with that is it got me killed.

The ironic thing is when I caught my ex boyfriend cheating on me I told him to bite me. Never thought about how that would effect me in the long run.

It may seem weird but I collect kids, I find kids who's parents either abandoned them or died fighting for them. I keep them in my house and protect them, the older ones help me gather food and find others.

I help these kids because it sucks to be left alone in a world that's gone to hell.
  1. Rules
    Word Count: 955
  2. The End
    Word Count: 2148