Under the City Lights


“Get out of my way, faggot.”

I felt my body hit the cool metal of the locker and hissed, squeezing my eyes closed.

The laughs of the jock and his friends echoed down the hall.

I sighed and put my books away, rubbing my shoulder where it had hit the locker.
It was always like this. The ridicule, the abuse… All because I’d rather not date someone who wines, obsesses over their looks, has violent mood swings for at least one week a out of the month and bleeds for seven days straight- without dying. Yeah. No, thank you. I’ll pass.

Don’t go thinking I’m depressed or anything, though.

No, seriously.

My friends are my life and I can’t imagine living without them. My best friend since Pre-K, Asher, has been by my side almost my whole life. And even though I want to kill him a lot of the time, he’s still my best friend and I’d do anything for him.


And I was tackled to the ground.

“Hi, Asher.” I groaned, my voice slightly muffled by the weight of the person I call my best friend.

See what I mean about wanting to kill him sometimes?

“How are you, Oh, ray of sunshine that brightens up my every day?” And people call me gay. He’s the most flamboyant straight guy I know.

“I’d be much better if I didn’t have this huge weight on my chest.”

“Whoops!” Asher said, getting up. “Sorry.”

“No problem.” I said as he helped me up and I straightened out my clothes. “How’s your day been?”

“All right.” he said. “I’m so ready to go home, though. Screw school, we need more vacation; it’s good for the soul.”

“Try convincing Mr. Peterson that.” Mr. Peterson was our crotchety old headmaster who looked as if he’d crawled out of his grave some 30 years ago.

“Fuck that guy.” he said. “He should have retired decades ago.”

“Agreed.” I said. “But he’s still our headmaster and we still have to deal with him.”

“I just can’t wait.” Asher said. “We have three months of break. It’s the summer in 3 periods.”

“I know.” I said. “I’m excited, I’m just not as vocal about my excitement as some people I know.”

“You know you love my random outbursts, don’t even try and deny it.” Asher said, poking me in the shoulder to emphasize his point.

“Bridger, don’t’ kill him.” Abby said, walking up behind me. “It’s the last day before summer. You don’t want to ruin his summer. He’d come back and haunt your sorry ass.”

“Damn right I would!” Asher said. “Hey, baby.”

“Hey.” Abby said, pecking Asher’s lips quickly.

Yeah. The girliest guy and the least feminine girl in school are going out. Who would’ve thought?

“Hey there, Bridger.” she said, hugging me quickly.

“Hey, Abs.” I said. “Thanks for pulling in the leash on this one.”

“Well, you know.” she said. “Someone has to.”

The bell rang, making me jump. No matter how long I’ve been at school, the bell always catches me off guard.

Yes, I know I’m weird.

“See you after class, then!” I said.

“Yeah, see you!”

I walked down the hall, looking around at the people surrounding me. I know that my friends are the best anyone could ask for, but I can’t help but feel out of place here. I can’t help but feel lonely.

No one in my town is gay. No one is particularly homophobic, but I’ve yet to meet another gay guy.

I was ready to have someone to call my own. I saw how Abby and Asher acted together, and I couldn’t help but want that for myself.

I sighed and just kept walking, looking down at my feet.

I guess I’ll just have to wait until the right guy comes around…
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's kinda short. I mean, it's just an intro to Bridger. But they WILL get longer. I realized how short my chapters can be....

Thanks for reading! I love you alllll :)

Also- lemme know what you think!
or Kill?

I have another idea in the works, so that should be ready and maybe even written at the same time.....