Under the City Lights


I just stood there, unable to move. I know I’m blowing this out of proportion, but I’m the kind of person who would rather go their whole life not knowing than get rejected.

But then I thought about what I would gain from looking versus if I didn’t.

If I didn’t open the email, I could be giving up the first person I’ve ever liked and the first person to express an interest in me as well.

I had to read that email

“We’ll be right outside if you need us.” Abby said, grabbing Asher’s hand and leading him out the door.

I calmed myself down, trying to convince myself that everything would be okay. That no matter what, I would still have Callum as a friend.


"You have no idea how happy you’ve made me.

"A week or so ago, my life was just me getting by, but now we’ve started talking, I’m excited to wake up every morning because I know I’ll be talking to you later that day. But from all this talking to you, I’ve realized you can get really worried when you shouldn’t.

"So, to keep you from thinking I’m going to say no, let me just say that yes, I’d love to be your boyfriend.

"And I’m not better than you in every way. Why are you so hard on yourself? You’re an intelligent, loving, caring, beautiful guy that I now have the honor of calling my boyfriend. Trust me, you’re not as bad as you think you are.

"I know it won’t be a conventional relationship, since we won’t be able to be together in person, but I want to make it work. I like you so much, and I know we’ve only known each other for two weeks or so, but I feel so connected to you. I really want this to work out and I want you to know that.

"That being said though, my dad is who he is and I’ll tell you if it gets to be something I can’t handle, but you have to stop worrying. I feel so terrible for making you worry about me. There’s no way you can help and I’m fine, honestly. So please, don’t worry about me.

"Anyways, I’m really glad you asked me to be your boyfriend ☺ I’ll be home alone later tonight and we can video chat then, okay? I want to see you again.

"Question: Have you seen A Very Potter Musical?

"Answer: Of course I have. I’m one of the biggest Harry Potter geeks there is and I love almost everything to do with the books or movies… If you haven’t watched it you should, like… now.

"Anyways, I’ll see you tonight :D

He was so adorable. I can just imagine his huge smile when he saw my email. It was probably about the same size as the one I was wearing now. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy in my entire life. Just a couple weeks ago, I’d been having doubts that I would ever find someone who I liked equally as much as they liked me, and here I am with a boyfriend who is not only adorable, sweet and caring, but also one of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen.

I smiled to myself, knowing that from now on I could call Callum my boyfriend, replying to his email quickly, saying I was glad he was all right and that I’d see him later tonight.

I was still disappointed that Callum wouldn’t let me help him with his dad. I know he isn’t happy and I want him to be safe. I can’t deal with not knowing if he’s all right every second of every day. It’s hard enough that I can’t just go over and check up on him whenever I want, but to know that he’s in a situation that he could be killed any day depending on his father’s mood is too much stress.

“Ash? Abby?” I called “You can come back in.”

“How is he?” Abby asked.

“He’s fine, or so he says. Apparently his dad came home, but it wasn’t as bad as it has been. I’m just worried about him. He wants to skype later tonight, so I can see exactly how he’s doing. I just don’t know how long I can deal with not knowing whether or not he’ll be all right.”

“Oh, Bridgey.” Asher said. “You’re such a sweetheart. I never knew you could be this emotional.”

“I’m just… really worried. I really care for him.”

“When did you say you were going to skype him?” Abby asked.

“He just said tonight, but I’ve got it pulled up just in case.”

As if on cue, a ring from my computer cut off Abby’s reply.

“We should go. Let you guys get caught up.” Asher said.

“No, stay. Just for a bit.” I said. “I think he’d like to meet you.”

I clicked “Accept” on my screen and smiled at the face that was awaiting me there.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am SOOO sorry. I thought I'd be able to put up a bunch this weekend, but htere was no internet connection at my grandparents and I only JUST got it. But I hope this makes up for it, kind of?

I have another chapter almost done, so that should be up today or tomorrow. After tomorrow though, I don't have internet connection for a couple days, but I should get another one out on the weekend.

I love all you guys who've commented and I really appreciate you.

Lemme know what you think?