Under the City Lights


I switched off my computer and climbed into bed, stretching and yawning before lying down. I was so tired. For some reason, the whole Callum deal wore me down. I guess I really do worry too much.

I leaned over and turned off my bedside lamp and rolled over, closing my eyes and thinking of Callum.

I hope he's okay right now. I hope his dad's still asleep. What was he doing right now? Does he think of me as much as I do him? Or am I just strange and creepy?

I was still thinking of Callum when I was felt my eyes shut and drifted off to sleep.

I was sitting in a room that I vaguely recognized from somewhere, but I didn't know where. I looked around to try and figure out where I was and I saw someone sleeping in a tiny makeshift bed that was really just a mattress on the floor with a couple sheets. I walked around to see who was there. I gasped when I saw it was Callum, beaten almost to the point where he was unrecognizable.

His face was a mixture of blue, purple and yellow bruises as well as some dried blood around several scratches. He snored peacefully, wincing and whimpering each time he moved in his sleep. I reached out to caress his cheek, fighting back the tears at how helpless he looked.

When my hand touched his cheek, though, instead of feeling warm skin underneath my cool fingertips, my hand seemed to sink into his skin and disappear. I couldn't touch him. I tried again, this time kissing his forehead. Callum shifted in his sleep, but didn't show any sign of recognizing my presence.

I looked down at his face, feeling a sudden sense of guilt that I couldn't protect him from whoever did this, most likely his dad.

But even under all the bruises, Callum was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. His lips were slightly open as he breathed in and out. I leaned in, not being able to resist the temptation any longer. I knew it wouldn't be like a real kiss, but I had to try it.

Right before I could touch my lips to his, I heard him mutter something in his sleep.

"Bridger..." he said, shifting again and smiling slightly.

I pulled away, shocked. He couldn't feel me, but he was at least thinking of me.

I smiled and felt my heart swell knowing that he thought of me and was possibly dreaming of me.

My happy thoughts were interrupted by the door crashing open and a man who I assumed was Callum's father by the smell of alcohol that entered the room at the same time as he staggered in.

Callum jumped up in bed, looking frightened. He pulled the sheets up like it was a small bit of protection from his father.

"Why didn't you make me dinner, you filthy little faggot?" he snarled, stumbling farther into the room.

I stood in between Callum and his father, trying to stop him from getting any closer to the scared boy on the bed. I knew it wouldn't help but... I couldn't just stand there and watch.

"I-i-i d-did." Callum stammered. The confident, kind, and glowing Callum I saw whenever we talked was gone, replaced by this scared little boy in front of me now. I felt the anger rise in my chest at the fact that his father could do this to him. "I-i-i-it's in the fridge. I-i can heat it up if you'd li-like."

"So you decided you'd rather sleep than heat up my dinner so it would be ready for me when I woke up? I keep a roof over your head and this is how you repay me? With laziness?"

"N-no. I was j-just tired." Callum said. "I set an alarm, I swear. I was going to wake up so it'd be ready."

"Too late, you ungrateful little fag." his father seethed, walking through me and pulling Callum up by the hair. I grabbed at his arm, trying to make him let go of Callum, starting to feel weak and helpless.

Callum winced in pain and I kept trying to pull him away from his father. His father slapped him hard enough that the sound echoed around the tiny room.

I watched, horrified, as Callum's father kept on hitting him as I tried grabbing from every different angle to no different result.

I couldn't touch either of them.

I couldn't save Callum.

I was helpless. Useless.

I started yelling, telling Callum's dad to let go, telling Callum I was here and I would protect him, trying to comfort him, but neither of them heard me.

Tears started running down my face as I started to accept defeat. The boy I love is in pain right in front of my eyes and I can't help him. I can't comfort him. I can't do anything.

Hot tears were pouring down my face and I was sobbing.

"Bridgey!" Someone was calling me, but I couldn't just leave Callum. He needed me. I had to help him. I had to find a way. There must be something I could do.


I felt someone shaking me and I sat up quickly, still sobbing.

"Bridgey, what's wrong?" Asher asked, rubbing his hand up and down my back, trying to comfort me.

"Callum was being hurt! His dad... And I couldn't touch him! I couldn't help!" I choked out between sobs.

There was light streaming in through the open curtains and my sheets were tangled around my legs.

"Shh, it was just a dream. You're okay." Asher said, still comforting me. "Callum is fine. It's okay. He knows how to handle himself. He'll be out of there soon."

I felt a little relieved, remembering what Callum had told me earlier. "I know." I said. "Until the end of summer. But I can't help but worry."

Callum had applied to college without his father's knowledge, hoping to be accepted by somewhere on financial aid. He'd been accepted to his dream school, the School of Visual Arts in New York City on a full scholarship for his drawings and he would be moving there in September.

"You know what you should do?" Asher said. "You should call him later. I know it'd make you feel better, knowing he's safe."

"I will..." I said, knowing that he spoke from experience, and that seeing Callum safe would make me calm down. "Why are you even over here?"

"Abby's at soccer camp for a couple days."

"So you're waking me up again?" I asked, having calmed down significantly.

"Yeah, basically."

I walked over to the computer at my desk and emailed Callum, asking when he'd be able to video chat. "What are you gonna do when I'm talking to Callum?"

"You say that like I'm not invited to speak to him as well."

"That's because you're not."

"Aww, come on, Bridgey!" Asher said. "I deserve to make sure my best friend's boyfriend. I have to make sure he's good enough for you."

"Fine." I sighed. "But one awkward sexual comment, and you're out of here."

"I'll try to contain myself."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the long wait, guys!!! I just really wanted this chapter to be good...

So yeah... I've been writing at school....


Anyways, you need to comment.

'cause if you want an updatteeee soooonnn, you shouuulllddd commeeenntttt :D

Yeah. :D

'cause I juuust might have it written already ;)