Under the City Lights


3 hours of entertaining Asher later, I was getting on skype to call Callum

"Okay, remember: no asking which position he prefers, or whether he has any fetishes." I said. "Basically, anything sexual and you're out."

"Okay, okay." Asher said. "You're no fun."

Callum answered my call and his smiling face greeted me when the window popped up on my screen. He looked much happier than the last time I saw him, which made me feel much more relieved. My nightmare hadn't actually happened; he was all right. He waved his wrist around to show me that it was okay, knowing I'd be worried about it.

"That looks much better." I said.

"Yeah, it is." he said, smiling. "Told you I knew what I was doing."

"Sorry I doubted you." I said. "I'm just worried for you."

"I know you are, and I really appreciate it because it shows you care, but don't get yourself to worked up over it. It's not worth it."

"You're being hurt and it's not worth worrying about it?" I said. "I think that's most definitely worth it."

"Let's just drop it, okay?" he said. "It's just something we can't change, not for a while anyways, and then it'll be gone forever. Just... it's 3 months. We'll be fine."

"All right then."

"Here, let's start over. Hey, sweetie. How are you?"

"Much better, now that I see you're all right."

"You're such a sweetheart." he said, smiling even more. "I'm happy to see you, too."

"No, seriously." I said. "At the risk of sounding childish, I had the worst nightmare. I was in your room, but I couldn't touch you and you couldn't see or hear me. Then your dad came in and I tried to hold him off, but-"

"Shh, shh." Callum said, calming me down. I'd been getting a bit worked up and felt like I was gonna cry again. "It's all right. I'm here, I'm okay."

"I know, and I"m so happy." I said. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

"You'll never have to find out." he said. "You'll always have me."

"I wish I could hold you right now. To know you're safe. To protect you."

"I wish I was there, too."

"I wish you were together, period. You guys are terrible when you don't speak to each other for a while."

I glared over at Asher, who I'd almost forgotten was there.

"Is that Asher?" Callum asked, smiling.

"Yeah, it is." I said. "Thanks for ruining the moment, you dick."

"Aww, but I thought you liked dicks." Asher said, smirking at me.

I went bright red and Callum cracked up laughing.

"I sure hope he does." Callum said. "Nice to see you again, Asher."

"Likewise." he said. "I told Bridgey here I had to talk to you properly. See if you're good enough."

"Oh yeah?" Callum said. "How am I doing so far?"

"Well, you laughed at my joke." Asher said. "I like you already."

"Can we not make fun of me for two seconds?" I said. "I'd prefer not to have my best friend and boyfriend laughing at me at the same time."

"Aww, we're sorry, honey." Callum said "But you kind of set yourself up for that one."

"Yeah, honey, we're sorry." Asher said, fluttering his eyelashes.

"If you're just gonna take the piss, you can leave." I said, glaring at Asher.

"I'm gonna leave anyways." Asher said. "I promised Abby I'd leave you two alone. And that I'd call her. She gets out of practice at 3, so... 10 minutes ago. That's enough time to get changed, right?"

"For most girls, no." I said. "For Abby, yes."

"Okay, then. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, go call you're girlfriend and leave me alone." I said. "I can't wait until Abby gets back."

"Oh, come on, I'm not THAT bad."

"You kind of are." Callum said from the computer. "But in a good way."

"Thank you." Asher said. "I'm gonna go. See you. Nice seeing you again, Callum."

"Bye!" Callum and I said, him waving and me hugging Asher quickly.

"How long has he been at your house?" Callum asked.

"He woke me up at noon." I said.

"Hey, quick side note, what's Asher's email?" he asked randomly and I sent it to him over chat, trusting him to only use it for good things.

"What are you gonna do with it?" I said.

"I'm gonna forward all my spam to him."

"Good." I said. "He deserves it."

We carried on talking for an hour or so before Callum said he had to go.

I didn't want to stop talking to him, especially after the nightmare, but I knew that I couldn't hold on to him forever. He had to live his life and I had to live mine. I just wish lived closer to each other.
♠ ♠ ♠

You know what? I would reeeaaalllyyy appreciate it if you commented! It could be my early christmas present?

I just... I dunno if this is going how I want it to and I want to know if you guys like it... okay?

Lemme know what you want to happen, what you'd want changed... etc