Under the City Lights



I got home a little bit after leaving Bridger so he could talk to Callum and decided it would be a good time to call Abby. I always missed her when she left, but I guess you're always going to miss the person you love when you can't be with them.

"Hey, baby." Abby said, answering after the first ring. "How are you?"

"I'm fine." I said. "Missing you."

"Aww, I miss you, too." she said. "Are you bugging Bridger because you can't bug me anymore?"

"Only a little bit." I said. "But he needed me."

"How so?"

"He had a nightmare. A really terrible one, too. He was crying and tossing and turning all over the bed, grabbing onto the sheets like his life depended on it."

"He cried?" Abby asked.

"Yeah, it was really scary." I said. "I haven't seen him cry since we were kids. He's always so strong and to see him vulnerable like that... It really scared me."

"Did he tell you what the dream was about?"

"Yeah. He was in Callum's room with him, but everything he tried to touch, his hands just went through. Then Callum's dad came in and started hurting him and... Bridger couldn't do anything. He couldn't protect him and it killed him seeing Callum hurt and not being able to help."

"Oh, poor Bridger..." Abby said. "Is he okay?"

"Yeah, as okay as he can be." I said. "I just... I remembered when it was you and all I wanted to do was to see you. To know you were all right. So we decided to skype him to make sure he was all right."

"Ashy..." Abby said. "I remember how it was, too. I just... I can never say it enough, but thank you. You helped me out of that hell I used to live in and you gave me something to hope for. I love you, so much."

"Abby, I love you, too. You've got nothing to thank me for. I couldn't keep on living knowing that every time I dropped you off, your father was waiting. It was as much for me as it was for you."

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Right back at you." I said, smiling. "So how was soccer today?"

"It was good." she said. "They worked us pretty hard, but it was great. I learned a lot."

I heard some yelling in the background along with some "Hey, Abby's boyfriend"s from Abby's side of the phone. "I'll let you get back to the other girls. I love you, darling, and I"m so happy to have you. You don't need to thank me for anything. Everything I do is because I love you and is for my good as much as it is for yours; I'll do anything to make you smile."

"You're amazing." Abby said, and I could hear the smile in her voice. "Just wait until I get home. I want to spend some time, just you and me."

"I'll hold you to that." I said, smirking.

"Bye, Ashy. Love you."

"You, too." I said. "See you soon."

"See you."

I hung up with Abby and went over to my computer to try and entertain myself for a while.

The little red bubble containing a 1 showed me I had a new email. I opened up Mail and saw there was one new email waiting for me.

I didn't recognize the address, but the subject was "Surprise for Bridger?"

"Hey, Asher. It's Callum. I was hoping you could help me with something. I'm trying to plan a little surprise for Bridger..."

I smiled, knowing for a fact that Bridger had found someone great in Callum. They were so perfect for each other and Bridger was really happy, the happiest I've ever seen him.

I clicked reply and typed a simple "Go on..."

I had a feeling this surprise would be a good one.
♠ ♠ ♠
How 'bout that moon, eh?

And dude, 99 subscribers!!! Thank you all so so much. You mean the world to me.

Question of the day:

What do you think the surprise will be?

Lemme know what you think! Who knows, you might change my mind!

<3 Casey