Under the City Lights


Callum and I were curled up close to one another, sharing a blanket and watching TV while eating our Chinese food straight out of the cardboard boxes. We were talking and laughing, not really paying attention to the game show on in front of us except to make fun of the ridiculous answers in the multiple choice. Our legs were wrapped together and we'd been scooting closer and closer since we first sat down.

When we finished our food, I took mine and Callum's trash into the kitchen and threw it out, hurrying back into the living room and jumping on Callum. He looked up at me and smiled.

"I love you." he said.

"I love you, too." I said. "So, what do you wanna do the rest of the night?"

"Well..." he said. "I dunno if you remember this, but... no, it's stupid."

I smiled, knowing what he was talking about almost immediately. "You really think I'd forget our one month mensaversary?"

"Our what?"

"Well, the prefix anni- refers to a year, so it really isn't appropriate for our one month celebration to be called and anniversary, as it hasn't been a year. But mensa- means month. So it's our Mensaversary."

Callum sat there, with his mouth open, looking slightly amused and quite shocked. "Way to go all English nerd on me, there."

I blushed slightly and ducked my head. "It's my favorite subject. I'm kind of into vocabulary."

"So that's how you got such a high score on your SAT..." he said.

"I like words, so sue me."

"You're a nerd." he said. "But in the most adorable way possible." He smiled, and leaned in to kiss me sweetly. I don't think I'll ever get tired of kissing him. Every time we kiss, it's like I'm living in a fantasy world, and it's only me and Callum. My skin lights on fire and I feel warm inside and I feel like nothing could go wrong...

"So." I said. "It's 10 o'clock. 2 hours until our mensaversary. What would you like to do?"

"I have an idea, but it's kind of stupid and cheesy."

"Yeah?" I said. "I happen to like stupid and cheesy. Shoot."

"We could play 20 questions? For old times' sake, you know?"

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, kissing the top of his head. "That sounds like fun. There are still some things that I'd like to know about you."

"Like what? You can ask first." he said, tucking his head into my chest.

"Hmm... do you have any weird habits?"

"Umm, not really. I like to listen to music when I sleep, though. Just because I'm not good with quiet. It's rare that I get to, though, just 'cause I don't have an iPod... So it depends on whether I have a CD or something."

"I like listening to music when I sleep, too. I just haven't been lately, 'cause I didn't know if you like it. But now I know you do, I think we should do that more often..."

"Good. Although, it's much easier for me to sleep when I'm with you... You make me feel safe, and I don't really get that at home."

I looked down at him and raised my hand to his cheek. "I don't want to let you go back to that. I don't know if I'll be able to let you go, knowing that's where you're headed."

"I don't think you really have a choice. I have to leave on Friday, and I don't want you worrying about me. In a month or two, we'll be in the same city, hopefully seeing each other a lot, and we won't have to worry about my dad. Just wait a couple months."

"Okay." I said. "I can't help but worry about you sometimes, though. I know you're strong, but I just feel really guilty for not being able to protect you. I never want to see you hurt."

"I know you don't, but there isn't really an option to get away right now. I don't have anywhere to go where he can't come get me. I'm 18 until August 6th, so he could report me missing or kidnapped and that's just something that I don't wanna get into."

"Anyways... It's your turn for a question." I said.

"Okay, umm... Do you like staying up late?"

"Yeah, I do, I guess. I just tend to do it whether I want to or not. But I get a lot of stuff done past 1 o'clock, so I guess I do..."

We continued playing for a while, just enjoying each other's company. I love playing 20 questions with Callum, because I can ask him the strangest question and he always answers seriously and honestly. I love that we can be so open with each other, and I love learning more about him, too...

"Hey, guess what, sweetie?" he said, looking up at me.


"It's our mensaversary!" he said, laughing softly.

"Happy mensaversary, then." I said, pecking his lips quickly. "I love you."

"I love you, too. More than you'll ever know."

We'd lasted a month, but it only seems like yesterday that we started going out. Even though, I feel like I've known him my whole life. I love him more than anyone I've ever known, and I know that we'll make it through everything. We'll be together forever. I hope.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so banners. I would really like one for this story. I think it'd be pretty and I know some of you are pretty creative. I don't really want one with just the characters, but if you wish, I don't mind. I'd like one with like, a really pretty picture that has something to do with the title or something...

If you make me one, I shall recommend your story in the AU of the next chapter in both this and my other story, Pint-Sized Romeo. So yes. I will also do something nice for you...like maybe... I'll put a link to you in my signature? Whatever you'd like, within reason... So yeah!


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And the rest of you for reading!