Under the City Lights


It was hard, adjusting back to life without Callum. I wasn't use to worrying about him every time an email came late or he had to go quickly when we were on skype because his dad got home. He always told me not to worry, but it was hard. Every time we talked on skype, there was a new bruise or cut or there was black rimming his eyes from lack of sleep due to nightmares or chores he had to do for his father. 

I had a countdown on my computer to when he'd be out of there. 41 days seemed too long. The way he was living was killing him; his father was killing him. All I want to do is to go and take him away from there and bring him back with me and keep him safe. 

I was talking to him on skype today, telling him about Asher's latest prank on Abby. He'd taken all her clothes and hid them in random places around his room while she was showering after we went swimming and he got to watch as she scrambled around his room in a towel, collecting her clothes while he told her hot or cold. Asher was such a pervert, but she's his girlfriend, so Abby didn't mind.

Callum was laughing at Asher's crazy antics and I was smiling at how beautiful he looked when he laughed.

"I wish I could've been there." he said. "Abby's hilarious when she's mad at Asher. She let's slip stuff about their sex life."

"I wish you were here, too." I said. "41 days until I can go and get you out of there and you'll never have to go back."

"Yeah." he said. "That and I'm officially legal when it comes to sex."

"Damn you for being so young." I said. "Otherwise you'd be 18 already and you'd be here and we'd be having sex."

"Don't be so sure about that." he said, smirking.

"What? You would deny me sex?"

"Yes." he said. "If you'd been misbehaving."

"I'll have to be on my best behavior when I come and get you, then."

"You'd better." he said. 

"I still can't believe you graduated at 17." 

"Well, when your dad won't let you go out ever, you eventually turn to studying for entertainment, and skipping a year is easy."

"My little nerd." I said, cooing.

"I'll be there soon, Bridger." he said. "Don't worry." 

"I can't help it. You need to get out of there."

"I will." he said "41 days, remember?"

"I don't know if I can wait that long." 

"I wouldn't blame you." he said.

"For what?" I asked.

"Not waiting." he said, looking down with a sad look on his face. "You deserve a boyfriend who you can keep safe and protect."

"That's not what I meant at all." I said. "I love you, Callum. Your shitty dad isn't going to change that. Nothing is."

He still looked down, messing with a paper on his desk. 

"Callum, look at me." I said. He looked up and I could see tears in his eyes. "I don't want anyone else. You're perfect for me, you're gorgeous, and I'll wait for you forever. I'm just worried I won't be able to get you out in time."

"I know." he said. "I love you, too. I don't want you to worry about me, though."

"Tough shit." I said. "I love you, and with that comes me worrying about you when you aren't safe."

"You're amazing, Bridgey." he said, smiling slightly.

"Not as amazing as you."
♠ ♠ ♠
If there are any mistakes, it's 'cause I'm on my phone. I can't really look back to see who commented, so I'll do that when I'm back on my computer. My home Internet is broken.

I love you all dearly!


<3 Casey