Under the City Lights


5 days left.

I'd just finished unpacking my last box into Callum and I's apartment. Asher, Abby, my mom and I have spent the last week furniture shopping, packing up my things, moving them to the new apartment and unpacking. It was exhausting. I swear, I'm never moving again. It was too much work.

Though, when all is said and done, I was really happy with the apartment. It had a really homey vibe and it wasn't too crowded or too small. The windows looked out onto a relatively calm street with a small park nearby. Callum had shown me pictures of what kind of house he likes when we got to talking about it one day, so I know what kind of furniture and stuff he likes. I just hope he doesn't think we're moving too fast...

"Asher, I just unpacked the last box!" I called from the living room.

"Thank god!" he said, walking in from where he'd been putting the empty boxes in the recycling. "How and why do you have so much stuff?"

"I don't even know." I said.

"I got the wifi working." he said. "Now you've finished unpacking, you should check on Callum."

Before he finished his sentence, I'd gotten my computer out and was patiently waiting for it to turn on.

"Hey, Bridgey, do you want some water?"

"Yeah. I'm beat. Moving officially sucks."

"You're now morally obligated to help me move when I ask, you know that?"

"Try to get an apartment or dorm on the first floor, will you?" I called to Asher who was in the kitchen.

By this time, Callum's blog had loaded and my eyes shot immediately to the timestamp on the last post.

I swear my heart stopped.

"Asher!" I yelled, my voice cracking a bit on the end

"What? Do you want ice?" he yelled back.

"Asher, we need to go. Get your keys!"

"Do you want the water?"

"Forget the fucking water!" I yelled. "We have to go."

Asher walked in, looking around frantically for what was wrong. His eyes settled on the laptop and he was suddenly very serious.

He grabbed his keys and my arm and practically dragged me out of the apartment, barely letting me lock the door behind us before running down the stairs and outside, getting into his car and starting to drive without saying a word.

"How long?" he asked suddenly.

"Last night." I said. "The last one was at 11pm."

"Shit." Asher said and drove faster.
♠ ♠ ♠

ALSO- check out my new cowrite! It's an original slash and it's going places; we're both ridiculously excited about it :) CLICK HERE

Thanks to the following for commenting on this or the last chapter:

cameron liddell;
Sweet Drams Tiler
cameron liddell;

and to the rest of you for reading/subscribing!

<3 Casey