Under the City Lights


Asher and I pulled up in front of Callum's house and before he could even stop the car completely, I was out the door and running up the front steps.

I knocked on the door as loud as I could, trying to look inside the frosted glass to see if anyone was home.

"Callum?" I yelled. "Callum, are you in there?"

All of a sudden, the door was wrenched open and a man, who I assumed was Callum's father was looking straight at me. I've never seen anyone look more angry.

"The little bitch left a couple days ago. Left me alone to deal with all his shit that he's supposed to be doing. You his little fag boyfriend?"

"Where is he?" I growled out, struggling to hold myself back from hauling back and punching him.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know?" he said. "Little faggot leaves without even so much as a thank you for all I've done for him. That's gratitude."

"Thank you?" I said, "For what, beating him up every time he didn't do exactly what you wanted him to? Or for just no reason at all?"

"He told you about that?" Callum's dad said, tone getting dangerous.

"You're lucky I'm not reporting you to the police. Callum made me promise not to. Now, tell me once and for all, do you know where he is?"

"What are you going to do? Hurt me?" he said, laughing.

"Bridger, he's not worth it." Asher called from where he was standing next to his car.

"Yeah, listen to the other little fag. Seriously. Callum isn't worth all of this. Why even put in the effort?"

He'd gone way to far. I reeled back and punched him with all my strength, watching him stagger back in shock.

"He's worth ten of you." I said before turning around and walking back to the car.

"You little bitch!" Callum's dad yelled. "If you see Callum, tell him I never want him back! He was a waste of space anyway."

I closed the door and shut his yelling out, rubbing my hand in pain. "Yeah, as if I'd let him come back here."

"You okay?" Asher asked, glancing at my hand and back at the road, driving us somewhere, but away from Callum's house.

"Yeah." I said. "Where could he be?"

"I don't know, Bridgey." he said. "Did he ever say anything about somewhere he'd go when he was upset or anything?"

"No, not that I remember." I said. "I can't believe he left. Where could he be? Why didn't he call me?"

"Maybe it was kind of a rush? Like his dad had gotten really bad and he just needed to get out of there when he could?"

"Maybe." I said. "Oh god, what if he's hurt? And he's just wandering around out there, all alone..."

"He's not a stray cat. He's a 18 year old guy. He can handle himself, to a point. We'll find him. I promise."

"Wait." I said, causing Asher to bring the car to a jolting stop. "I know where he might be."
♠ ♠ ♠

Sorry I'm such a shitty author and didn't get this out sooner... Blame finals. We don't get to exempt any finals, so I'm stuck taking them all. 3 down, 2 to go!

Thanks to the following for commenting:

Sweet Dreams Tiler
cameron liddell;
meezyillest (x2)
Bring Me Carolina
Your Addiction

and to the rest of you for reading/subscribing!

<3 Casey