Under the City Lights


The moment I got home from school, I checked to see if the boy from the blog had responded.

I waited excitedly as my email loaded, smiling when I saw new emails.

After sorting through the necessary junk mail, I found an email from the boy who wrote the blog.

I can’t believe he replied.

I felt like squealing.

I really did.

I started bouncing in my chair with the effort of trying not to squeal, smiling wider than ever before.

I am so strange…

“Hey there, Bridger.
I got your email. I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to keep a little secrecy between us, at least until I get to know you better and realize you’re not a stalker. Your assignment sounds really cool, though, and I’d like to help you out. How about we play a game to get to know each other better? How about twenty questions?

You don’t get a say in the matter, actually. We’re playing.

Question #1: What’s your favorite childhood memory?

We’ll answer both the questions we’re asked and the questions we ask, just to learn as much as possible, haha.

My favorite childhood memory is when I would go to the park with my mom. This was back before our family grew apart. We’d go to the park and she’d push me on the swings and I’d just feel like I was flying. I felt so free and like I could do anything. I still love swings, even thought I’m 16. I don’t care if they’re meant for little kids. ;)

Anyways, I’m looking forward to your response!


Your Blog Assignment”

I smiled even wider when I read about his memory. He was so adorable.

I mentally slapped myself.

I couldn’t be thinking this stuff about him. I’d just talked to him for the first time, and through an email no less!

I’ll admit, he wasvery attractive and seemed really smart and funny, from his blogs, but that doesn’t mean that I can develop a crush on someone I’ve never met! I don’t even know his name!

I took a deep breath and composed myself before hitting the reply button.

“Hello there, Blog Assignment!

Good, so I didn’t scare you off too badly, haha.

I totally respect that. I mean, I’m not going to be sharing much more than I already have with you, so don’t expect too much.

Hmmm… favorite memory.

I guess I’d have to say when I made cookies with my dad. He was a baker and he always let me help out with whatever he was making. He died a couple years ago, so I guess I just really miss being able to go in the kitchen and just make cookies…

Anyways, you’re awesome for replying and I can’t wait to get to know you better!

My question for you is: What’s your favorite song at the moment?

Mine is Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance.



I took a deep breath and leaned back in my chair, re-reading the message over and over to make sure I didn’t sound too desperate or stupid or uncool.

Oh, god, I’m so lame.

I cannot believe how obsessed I am when I’ve only gotten one email from the guy.

Am I that deprived of romantic connection?


Yes I am.

I sighed and hit the send button, then leant back in my chair and rubbed my hands over my face.

“Honey?” my mom said, sticking her head around the door. “Dinner’s almost ready. You okay?”

“Yeah.” I said. “I’m fine. Just stressed out. Luckily tomorrow starts summer break.”

“Luckily for you.” she said, smiling slightly. “For me, it just means I have to deal with you all day, every day.”

“You’re mean.” I pouted. “I’m going to run away, I swear.”

“How many times have you said that to me in your lifetime?”

“At least 200.”

She looked at me as if that proved her point.

“What if I was serious this time?” I said. “You could lose your only son, forever!”

My mom just rolled her eyes and walked out of the room telling me to be downstairs in 5 minutes if I wanted my food to be warm when I ate it.

Lovely woman, she is.

Seriously though, I love my mom. She’s all I have left, family-wise.

I quickly logged off and shut the screen of my laptop. I just couldn’t wait until “Blog Assignment” replied. It kind of bothered me that he wouldn’t give me his name, but I understood him completely. There are some real creeps out there.

I went back to my computer and found a skype call waiting from Asher.

“Hey.” I said, answering quickly.

“Bridgey!” he said. “How’s your break been so far?”

“Pretty good.” I said. “All I’ve really been doing is talking to some guy that writes a blog for my computers assignment.”

“That sounds cool.” he said. “Do you like this boy?”

“Asher, I’ve only spoken to him twice, and through emails. I can hardly tell you whether we’re going to go out. I bet he isn’t even gay. There’s no point in fantasizing about things that will never happen.”

“So you have thought about it then?”

“Screw you.”

“I knew it!” Asher cried. “The only way you’d mention him first is if you were thinking about him when I asked. You love him!”

“I wouldn’t say I love him.” I said. “I may have a small infatuation with him. Very small.”

“You’re forgetting how long I’ve known you. I can tell when you really like someone and when it’s just a ‘small infatuation.’”

I sighed. “Maybe you’re right. I just can’t let myself get too into this guy before I really know him. It’s too dangerous.”

“I guess you’re right.” Asher said. “In all seriousness, though, be careful. I know how you can get sometimes.”

“I know.” I said. “I don’t want it to be a repeat of all the other crushes I’ve had. I fully intend on finding out if he’s gay or not before I allow myself to get too involved in the idea of us dating. I’ve had my heart broken by straight guys way too often.”

“Good.” Asher said. “I don’t want you getting hurt.”

“I’ll be fine.”

But I knew that I’d already partially fallen for Blog Assignment. I don’t even know his name and I like him more than anyone else I’ve ever met or seen.

I need to stop this, before it’s too late.
♠ ♠ ♠

Comment ;)

And THEN check out my story, Memories! It won a contest!

And I want to know if I should make it into a full-blown story. It's kind of cliche, but I think it's cute.


this will be the average chapter length, as well, btw!

<3 Casey

PS- who else is obsessed with the new MCR song? *raises hand*