Under the City Lights


I walked into my room the next morning and smiled at the new email in my inbox. The fact that an email from this boy could make me smile is a little ridiculous, but hey, I think we’ve all realized and accepted the fact that I’m way in over my head with this one.

“Hey, Bridger.

Is it weird that I like this much better now that you know my name? I dunno, it just feels like we’re better friends, closer. I don’t know why I didn’t tell you my name in the first place!

To answer your question, yes, I have seen all of the Harry Potters. How can I not have? I’ve read every book at least twice, as well. Yes. I’m a nerd. My dream is to go to the theme park one day, but I have no way of doing that at the moment... *pouts. *

My question for you today is a bit personal, again, so feel free to not answer. It took a lot of courage for me to ask, because I know it could completely ruin this nice friendship we have going on here.”

I paused, mentally preparing myself for something terrible. I have no idea what he could be so nervous about, but I don’t think I want to know.

“Question: Do you want to video chat sometime?

My Answer: I’d love to. I’d love to finally know what you look like and sound like. And I think it’d be fun. And easier. Of course, we’ll still continue the emails. How else am I going to ask you awkward questions about yourself?

Anyways, see you soon, hopefully in person ☺


I may or may not have squealed when I read his question for today.

Why did he make me fear the worst? That made my day!

I typed hurriedly, telling him my skype name and that I’d be home all day and waiting at my computer.No, that doesn’t sound like a stalker. I ran to my bathroom and took a shower quickly, straightening my hair and putting a thin layer of eyeliner, constantly checking my computer screen to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

I had to look good for the rest of today. This would be the first time he saw my face and it would be the first time I saw his face for real.

The whole video call thing made me feel a lot safer about being this obsessed with him. If I could just have concrete proof that he really was the boy from the pictures, I would be a very happy guy.

After almost an hour of making sure I looked as good as I possibly could, I sat down at my computer and started messing around online, just waiting for Callum to call.

God, I’m pathetic.


There was something ringing.

And my face was sticky

There’s something ringing at me and my face is sticky…

What is that annoying ringing noise? And what is my face stuck to?


I pulled my face off of the computer keyboard and wiped the drool off of my cheek before checking my reflection in the mirror hanging on the opposite wall one last time before answering the call from Callum.

Or, well, who I assumed was Callum.

If this is Asher with a new display name, I’m going to be so pissed.

I clicked the “Accept” button and turned on my video, my heart beating faster with the nerves.

What if he doesn’t like how I look? What if he stops writing me because of that?

I took a deep breath and smiled at the camera, waiting for Callum to turn on his video.

I think I just had a stroke.

The face looking back at me from the computer screen was…
♠ ♠ ♠
So, kind of short. But cliffhanger?

You should comment so I'll be motivated enough to put up the next chapter ;)

I'm just saying- you might not get an update until the WEEKEND if I'm not motivated enough...

Yeah, I'm a comment whore... get used to it :D

<3 Casey

I didn't have time to thank each of you personally this week, but I appreciate you all very, very much!

Also- if someone leaves a comment saying that you told them about this story and that they've subscribed, then I will let you choose something to be put in the story, whatever you want...

Sound okay to you?