Demon Huntress

Cold-Hearted Killer

A sound startles me awake from my dreamless sleep. I quickly sit up, the gun from under my pillow now in my hand. I search for the source of the sound ready to shoot at any movement. It’s then I realize the sound is my alarm. I sigh and reach over to turn it off. Why did I bother with an alarm clock? I place the gun back under my pillow. I’ve always been a bit cautious.
I get out of bed and stretch my locked up joints. Tonight I would do the job Viktor gave me, and check out The Nexus. Perhaps I would run into that Demon and finally get some hunting done.
I walk into my bathroom. I turn on the shower and remove my nightshirt. I step into the steaming hot water, letting it awaken my senses even more. I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around myself.
Passing the mirror over the sink, I stop. I look at myself. The red scar on my face, the other less noticeable scars on my arms from that day. My wet brunette hair falls around my face. I balled my hands into fists. I will get revenge. No one can stop me. Turning from the mirror, I walk into my bedroom.
I pull on a black tank top, black jeans, and my combat boots. It’s the standard Demon Hunter uniform. I brush my hair into a simple loose pony tail with a strip of leather. I put my weapons-belt around my waist and my sterling silver snake ring on my right index finger like I always did. The snake looked like a king cobra with its mouth open like it was about to strike, the silver tarnished only slightly.
My bed room is as empty as the rest of my apartment. With only a bed, closet, and table. The table was covered with a sheet. I pull off the sheet to reveal my weapons. Katana swords, handguns, shot guns, rifles, silver bullets, broad sword, knives, and sai daggers, all neatly organized and used to hunt Demons and Night Dwellers.
I place one of the loaded handguns in my holster. I also put extra bullets, a pair of sai daggers, and another dagger. This dagger was special. Its blade looked like crystal and glowed when held. I never used it but always kept it with me.
As I walk into living room, I turn on the stereo. The pounding music excites me and gets me ready for the hunt. I head into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.
Afterwards, I grab my keys and pull on my black trench coat. I turn off the stereo and switch off all the lights. I walk to the window that leads to the fire escape and climb out.
The night air is cold and crisp. Winter is nearing, I can feel it through my senses. I look up at the sky. The waning crescent moon like a bright smile in the sky. No stars are shining. That’s the down side to living in the city, you never get to see a star filled sky.
I jumped over the railing, the air rushing past me. The ground getting closer. Like a cat, I land skillfully on my feet right next to my motorcycle.
I hop on my motorcycle. I make a U-turn, speed out of the ally, and onto the street. I knew this city like the trigger of my handgun. Bodark wasn’t that far but the traffic was a pain in the ass.
I finally pulled up to the curb in front of the bar. It would have looked like any other sports bar if I didn’t know any better. I swung my leg off the bike and walked to the door.
As I opened the door, the smell of hard liquor and cigar smoke hit me. The bar is full of people, well not exactly people, werewolves more like. From the amount of werewolves in this place, I can tell the whole pack is here. Maybe I can use this killing as an example to them.
It becomes completely quiet as I cross the room to sit at the bar. I can feel all eyes burning into me. Too bad I don’t give a shit. I sit on a stool.
The bar tender stands in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest. He has broad shoulders, around six-foot-four, black hair and beard. This is definitely Andrew Kames. This poor bastard has no idea what’s coming.
“A shot of vodka.” I say to him.
“Aren’t you a bit young?” he asks with a smirk. The rest of the pack laughs.
My hands ball into fists. I hate being mocked and belittled. Who fucking cares if I’m only seventeen? I’ll smile as I kill this guy.
“Just get me my drink, dog.” I say. Werewolves always hate it when you call them dogs, though I could never understand why.
His jaw clenched and his eyes filled with rage. He started breathing heavier. I can feel the adrenalin flowing through my veins.
“Who are you to order me around, bitch?” he growled. The pupils in his eyes were becoming slanted. He’s getting ready to shift to his wolf form.
I slid off my bar stool and flipped onto the counter. I pull out my handgun and point it at his head. The look of sudden realization came over his face. It made me smile for a split second. But it was gone before anyone could even register it was ever there.
“Andrew Kames,” I started. I can see shock and fear in his eyes. “I have been hired to be your death.”
“Who hired you?” he asked, his voice pleading. “What ever they paid you I’ll double it.”
I hesitated for a second, thinking of the possibility. I laugh for even considering it. I would rather not get on Viktor’s bad side. Besides, this guy wouldn’t even have half the amount Viktor pays me.
“Sorry,” I say, not really meaning it. “Your offer has been denied.”
I pull the trigger. The bullet goes threw his head, splattering blood on the counter and bottles of alcohol on the shelves behind him. His lifeless body falls to the floor with a thud, his eyes still wide open with shock and a hole in the center of his forehead. I look down at the counter but notice splattered blood on my combat boots.
“Shit, you got your blood on my boots.” I say in frustration. I turn around to look at the rest of the pack in the bar. Everyone of their faces filled with fear and a hint of anger. “Anyone have something to say about that?” No one says anything, they just simply stare. “Good.”
I jump down from the counter. I take a drink from the guy sitting next me, drink it, then throw the cup to the ground, shattering it into hundreds of shards. I proceed to walk to the door.
“Hey.” I hear someone behind me say.
Just great. Now I have to deal with this stupid shit. I turn around to see a guy, around the age of fifteen. I would have thought he was hot if it wasn’t for the asshole look he was giving me. I can sense he was one of the werewolves and not just one of the mundanes. This is a waste of my time.
“What gives you the right to kill one of us if we’re innocent?” he said, gesturing to the rest of the pack.
“Listen, pup,” I start. “This is grown up business. You should be in bed now anyway.”
“You’re not that much older than me.” he says with a smug look on his face. I want to wipe it right off his face, and maybe I will.
I walk up to him, my boots thudding loudly. His expression doesn’t falter. He obviously doesn’t understand what’s about to happen. So I’ll make him understand. I pull out my gun, point it at his left thigh, and pull the trigger. He yelps like the pup he is, falling to the floor and gripping his wounded leg. He looks up at me with hatred in his eyes.
“Maybe next time, you’ll think before you bark, pup.” I say. “Otherwise, the next bullet will be aimed at your head.” I turn away and continue towards the door.
When I’m finally outside, I’m thankful for the fresh air. I replace my handgun in its holster. I get on my motorcycle and pull away from the curb. I drive to my next destination, The Nexus.