Demon Huntress

The Nexus

I can hear the music from inside the club as I park next to the curb. The sidewalk is empty of mundanes. But I can faintly smell brimstone and burning flesh, the smell of a Demon.
I walk to the opening of the ally, still crossed off with yellow police tape. I look around to make sure no one is looking, then duck underneath. I have to investigate to make sure I find and kill this Demon. I suddenly sense a dark, evil presence. And a frightened presence as well. I follow it to the end of the ally.
There I find a young mundane girl with short blonde hair and short powder blue sequined dress cowering in the corner. I can see tears streaming down her face. A man with his back to me blocking any way for her to escape, his fingers were extended and looked like claws.
“Hey.” I yell angrily.
The man turns around and I automatically know he’s a Demon. His eyes are completely black and his black veins show through his pale skin. His lips dripped with saliva and his teeth sharp as knives. I could have fun with this.
I pull out my gun and start shooting him. It hurts the Demon enough to make it back away.
“Get out of here.” I yell to the girl.
She hesitates then decides it’s best to listen. She runs past me, her heels clicking as she does. I really hope she keeps her mouth shut about this. I can’t have the mundane media reporting on Demon attacks and mysterious people who fight them.
Suddenly my gun clicks empty. Shit! I try to reload. Why the fuck am I stumbling so much? Suddenly the Demon is standing in front of me. He grabs my gun and throws it like it’s a toy.
“You scared away my meal, little Hunter.” it says, he spoke with what sounded like a thousand voices. “Perhaps you can replace it.” He smiled.
“Fuck you.” I say.
I kick it in the chest. It throws him a bit unbalanced. It gave me enough time to throw off my coat and pull my sai daggers out of my belt. I get into fighting stance.
He came at me but I countered by hitting him in the temple with the hilt of my dagger. I stabbed his back. Then suddenly he disappeared. I couldn’t sense anything. That’s impossible.
Then I felt his razor sharp claw cut my waist. I screamed in agony as I fell to my knees. He was then standing in front of me. He wrapped his claw around my neck, lifting me a foot above the ground. I can feel him tightening his grip. I couldn’t breath. I dropped my daggers and tried to pry his hand from my neck to no avail. I was going to be suffocated.
I guess this was my end. Pictures of my past came to my mind. The lonely life I’ve had. The innocent Night Dwellers I’ve killed. The blood that has stained my hands all for the sake of revenge and money. The scar on my face that marks me as a cold-hearted killer and still brings back memories of that horrible day in my past. The day that made me the person I am. And yet I don’t regret any of it.
Then I heard a shot ring out. The Demon released me and I fell to the ground, gasping for air. I looked in the direction of the gun shot at the opening of ally. A guy stood there holding a handgun. I can sense he wasn’t a mundane or a Night Dweller. I looked to the Demon, who was still trying to recover. I took this as a open opportunity.
I grabbed one of my sai dagger lying right in front of me. I stood and threw it. It spun threw the air before embedding into the Demon’s chest, right in the heart. He falls to his knees before finally turning to a puddle of black liquid. It looked like tar, road kill, and sewing needles mixed together.
I walk over to it and pick up my dagger. I wipe off the black gunk on my jeans. I walk back to my other dagger and place them both back in my belt. When I found my empty gun, I place it in the holster. Then I remember that someone else is there as well. I look up to see him still there.
“Who are you?” I demand. He places his gun back in his holster.
Now that everything was calm, I can actually see this guy. He was definitely a Demon Hunter. He had dark brown hair, maybe around my age or older. He looked muscular under the black t-shirt that he wore, like he worked out daily.
“The name’s Lewis Brennan.” he says. The very sound of his voice annoys me for some reason. Maybe it’s because he saw me at a weak point. I hate appearing weak to others.
“Well, Lewis, I didn’t need your help. I had everything under control.” Okay, that was a total lie but I wasn’t about to admit that to this guy.
“’Everything under control?’” he said. I can hear annoyance in his voice. “That thing had you by the neck. You would be dead if I hadn’t stepped in.”
“I would have found a way out of it.”
I felt the sting of the wound made by the Demon on my waist. I placed my hand over it then pulled it away and looked at it, covered in the gold blood that all Demon Hunters had.
“Shit.” I whispered to myself.
Lewis must have noticed because he moved towards me saying, “Maybe you should come with me to the Institute. I know someone who could-“
“No,” I said, holding my clean hand up to silence him. I got in his face and continued. “I don’t fucking need help from you or anyone. I can take care of myself.”
I pushed passed him. I picked up my trench coat and put it on as I walked to my motorcycle. I sensed that Lewis was following but I ignored him. As I swung my leg over the motorcycle and turned on the engine.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked.
“Look, I’ve been through worse shit before. I don’t need your fucking help.”
I made a U-turn out of the parking space and sped down the street towards my apartment. That guy was starting to get on my fucking nerves. I had to fight the urge to reload my gun and shoot him. I made it to the apartment within minutes and parked in the ally. I climbed up the fire escape, pain searing my waist where the wound was.
I stagger in through the window, dizzy from the blood loss and the Demon poison. Every Demon Hunter knew that a Demon wound could be fatal if it weren’t treated with the antidote for the poison that laced their teeth and claws. Luckily Viktor always gave me a supply of the antidote incase I was injured on the job since he “didn’t want to lose his favorite killer.” I stumble to the bathroom, my hand on the wall to steady myself.
I open the mirror/cabinet and grab the syringe. It was filled with a strange clear liquid that could be mistaken as dirty water by mundanes. I sat on the toilet lid, too dizzy to stand anymore. I stuck the needle in my arm, feeling a slight pinch, and pressed the plunger down to release the antidote into my bloodstream. I sighed and sat there for a few moments and let the antidote start working. Then I grabbed some bandages and wrapped it around my waist to cover the wound and stop the bleeding.
When I felt well enough, I stood up and walked out of the bathroom to the kitchen. I opened a drawer and rummaged through it. I finally found the pack of cigarettes that I only saved for stressful occasions. I put on the stove flame and lit it, putting to my mouth and breathing in the smoke. I leaned against the counter, feeling completely vulnerable for the first time in a while.
That Hunter, Lewis, wanted to help me. It was almost laughable. The weird part was that I actually wanted to consider it. Well, I’ve been taking care of myself without the help of anyone else for five years and I wasn’t about to start asking for help because of a fucking scratch.
I put out my cigarette on the counter. I walk to my room. I needed to sleep for the antidote to work completely. I traded my Hunter clothes for a long t-shirt and got into bed, letting exhaustion take over.