Art Class

Day 1, pt 2

They were assigned to draw three shapes without looking at their paper or lifting their papers. There was a telephone, a plastic hamburger, and some sort of stuffed bear. Victoria started on her drawings immediately. A few moments later, a freshman turned around in his seat in front of hers and asked the following question: “What the hell is that supposed to be?”

Victoria nearly throttled him; she was never very good with anger management. Her scathing glare made the freshman turn quickly back around and mind his own business. That put a satisfied smile on her face. Leon chuckled and turned to wink at her.

Leon symbolized hope and sanity in the sea of immature freshman and underachievers. Victoria was starting to think this class would not be so bad after all. Leon grabbed the piece of paper that was handed to him and started on his blind contours. Out of curiosity, Victoria looked over at his paper and discovered that even his blind contours were perfect. You can perfectly distinguish the hamburger from the telephone. She looked down at her picture and discovered a set of three tumbleweeds. She scowled and felt the jealousy bubble within her. How the hell was this guy so damn perfect? First, he could present perfectly logical arguments in Theory of Knowledge, second, he had memorized all of the damn prime numbers and loved trigonometric functions, and now he could draw.

Class ended and before Leon could open his mouth to pity comment on her drawing, Victoria left with more surety than when she had walked in.