Boychild & Girlchild.

just sleep.

Ears heard soft country fiddles and guitars and drums, making up one of her favorite Garth Brooks songs, telling the story of a night much like this one. Thunder throbbed for a moment before rumbling away, allowing Olive to relax a little and be thankful her friend allowed her to come over.

She rolled over in her bed, studying the girl asleep next to her. The soft contours of her face would always make Olive feel insignificant, along with the way that softly curled hair would blow like Marilyn Monroe's in the wind and the brightness of her eyes. How Annie couldn't find herself beautiful amazed her; did she not realize that she had-

Olive stopped herself. There was no reason to become jealous or ramble or make herself feel so damn insignificant. All she needed to do was sleep for the night before she could call her parents and think of what to do.

And that's just what she'd do, merely turning the volume up on the changing songs as thunder made her tremble.
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this is my most read/subbed to story. i’m so proud and thankful guys, i really mean it. i’ll keep putting my all into updates ‘cause that’s what you guys deserve. thank you!

let's get this to my most commented? my current is a oneshot with 11 xD