This Must be Fiction

A Bright Blinding Light

I couldn't open my eyes. I was cold, freezing, and my entire mind was blank. What happened? Where was I? It was so cold. I couldn't focus on anything and my head was spinning. What was this place? Was I dead?

A light started to come into focus, slowly, but surely. It started as a pinpoint and then grew into an intense white glow. This surely was what death felt like. I felt numb to everything around me.

I felt the feeling return to my body starting at my toes and heading towards my head. I was laying down, on my back, and I was on cement. Something heavy and solid was on top of me, pinning my arms and legs to my side where they were immobile. I was still so cold, and all I could see was this bright light, blinding me. I let out a gasp of air as my lungs reached desperately for oxygen. My mind, still fuzzy, was trying to put pieces together. What was going on? It could have been the delirium, but I could have sworn I heard someone whisper "I'll be back soon." in a low voice and then the weight was lifted off of me. More light raced into my eyes causing me to shut them immediately.

"Miss! Miss! Are you alright? Can you speak?" I tried to sit up, but was forced down by someone else. My brain was still rattled. What was I doing on the ground?

"Yes." Was all I could managed to say. I slowly pried my sore eyes open and looked at the person kneeling beside me. He was short and bald, sweaty and confused.

"What.." I trailed off, not being able to form a complete sentence without my lungs hurting.

"Just lay back an ambulance will be here shortly." The man said. I closed my eyes again and tried to make the pain go away. It wasn't really pain, but rather an intense anxiety and fear.

"Ville.." I said. The man leaned closer to me.


"Ville... Where's Ville?" I asked. He looked confused and just looked around. People were starting to surround me. I sat up again, but was once again pushed back by the bald sweaty man. A siren approached us and I could see the red and blue flashing lights from behind me. Seconds later two men in blue uniforms came to my side and started bracing my neck and back.

"What happened?" I attempted to yell, but it sounded more like a whisper.

"Miss you were hit by a car, can you wiggle your toes for me?" One paramedic asked. I wiggled them, feeling a little soreness in my leg muscles.

"I'm fine, let me go home."

My entire head was clear now, and I was desperately searching for Ville. My body, sore as hell, was fighting against the two men who were pinning me to a board.

"I need to find Ville!" I shouted. Saying I was scared was an understatement. I was terrified. It felt like I was a helpless little girl who needed to be hugged and told that everything was going to be ok, but the three strange men standing over me were not the comforting surroundings that I needed. No one was telling me what was really going on. Or at least, I wasn't listening to what they were telling me. I wanted to know where Ville was.

And then I thought clearly about what the man had said. I was hit by a car? That happened? I don't remember it. I barely remember stepping into the street. A car seriously hit me? I didn't even feel it. All i remember is the feeling of being pinned to the ground. Was I under the car? No, I couldn't have been, I haven't moved and the car is right next to me. Oh my God! The car is right next to me! T
here was a huge dent in the hood of the black expensive-looking car, as if someone had tried to smash it with a led pipe. That dent couldn't have been from me, could it? I don't have the kind of body that could dent a car, a car should be putting and dent in me.

"Did I do that?" I asked, raising an arm to point at the large hole in the vehicle.

"Yes." The bald man said, glancing at the car. "That's my car. I'm so sorry, I didn't even see you crossing the street." He looked like he was about to cry.

"No, no, I'm fine. I'm not even hurt." I, once again, tried to sit up, but I was firmly attached to the backboard I was on. I gave up struggling and let the men load me into the ambulance.

"Where's Ville? He was with me." I asked the one paramedic once it was calm inside the ambulance.

"I'm sorry miss, there was no one with you."

"Yes he was! He couldn't have been more than five feet away from me." I argued.

"I'm sorry mam, I didn't see anyone with you. Can you tell me your name? I need some medical information."

I gave him my information and he wrote it all down while the other paramedic was driving us to the hospital. I had the one firmly convinced that there was no physical harm done to me, but they had to take me to get some tests done regardless.

In the hospital, I was taken to the emergency room. A handsome doctor began doing some tests making sure that all of my limbs and nerves were fine, and then moved on to making sure there was no massive concussing in my brain.

"Well it looks as though you've got a mild concussion and some cuts and bruises, but you've got a clean bill of health all together. Nothing too major. But I want you to come back and see me if there is any problem, no matter how minor." He looked at me sternly. "You're very lucky, you know, not everyone can survive a car accident like this."

I looked at him, puzzled.

"I don't even know what happened. I don't remember being hit by the car." I shrugged. He put a hand on my shoulder. I took a second to notice how heavy and warm his palm was.

"You'll probably never remember the exact moment it happened, but please make sure to be more careful when you cross the street. It is practically a miracle that you walk away from the scene with such minor injuries. I've never seen a case like this. I heard you put quite a hurting on the car, though." He smirked. I looked into his gray eyes and smiled.

"Yeah, I don't understand how I did that. But anyway, am I supposed to pay for all this?" I said, motioning to the room around us.

"No, don't worry about it, the man who hit you covered all of the charges. He feels terrible, I'm sure. But, I've got to be going. Be careful! And take some ibuprofen if you're head hurts or if it gets worse come back and see me and I'll see what I can do about the pain. Your body will be sore for a few days so take it easy for a while. Have a nice weekend." He walked out the door and I sat in the room for a second, not really thinking about anything before hopping off of the examination table and walking briskly towards the exit.

Once I got outside I saw the man who hit me running in my direction.

"Oh God I am so sorry! I didn't even see you in front of me! Is there anything I can do for you?" He asked. I looked at him, kind of angry, but feeling sympathetic also.

"No, don't worry about it. I didn't even look when I was crossing the street so it's not your fault." I patted him on the shoulder as I tried to walk away.

"Here, take my card, and if there's anything you ever need, money or otherwise, call me. I can pull a lot of strings in Hollywood. I should get your number too."

I wrote my cell phone number down on one of his business cards and took another one of the cards. I left as he was repeatedly apologizing for hitting me. As soon as I was on my own, my mind was racing. Where was Ville? Where did he go once I was hit? Why didn't he come to the hospital with me? I knew we were in the middle of a fight, but not coming to the hospital was kind of extreme. Maybe he was in some sort of trouble... I couldn't imagine that Ville would willingly leave me by myself in such a terrible situation. I started tearing up for no particular reason. It was probably because I had been so scared, and still was scared, and I couldn't find Ville. I held back the tears and promised myself I wouldn't cry in front of anyone, even Ville.

I had the intense fear that he wouldn't be at the hotel once I got there. My stomach was turning in knots when I reached the elevator. I was sweating and desperately holding back tears when I reached the door, and once it was opened, I could barely stand to look in the room. He was standing by the window, and he whipped his body around when he heard the click of the door. His eyes were sparkling when he saw me. We walked towards each other quickly until I was softly enveloped in his arms, crying quietly.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered. "For everything."

"I was hit by a car, Ville. I was so scared, I needed you there." I whispered back.

"I know, I'm sorry. I should have been there. But you weren't hit by a car, I was."