This Must be Fiction

An Introduction. Sort of.

The next morning was rough. Getting on my feet took a lot of stamina that I guess I didn’t really have. Falling asleep on the beach last night gave me a slight cold which took over my body. Everything felt sore, and I needed more sleep, but the growling that consumed my stomach was more vital than the sleep I required. I shuffled to my car, and drove around in search of somewhere to go for breakfast. At last I stumbled upon a coffee shop hidden behind a Walmart. I walked in, noticing that I was the only one there other than the workers. I ordered a coffee and some food, and sat down immediately once I received it.

I leaned back and enjoyed my food while I stared out the window. This place seemed similar to my hometown, which almost upset me. But I tried to focus on other things. As I was about to take another sip of coffee, my phone started buzzing. I knew instinctively that it wasn’t my mom, but probably my best friend.

“Hello?” I answered, not bothering to check the caller ID.

"What do you think you're doing?” Lizzie yelled. I winced.

“Sorry?” I had no idea what else to say.

“You’re damn right you are! What the hell? Like leaving is fine and all, but not even telling me? Bullshit!” She yelled. I knew that although she was mad, there was a hint of a smile coming through.

“Ahh calm down. You know you’re not really mad. I won’t be gone forever, just a little while. Like... you won’t miss me that much.”

“Molly Elizabeth. Don’t be ridiculous. Of course I’ll miss you.” She sighed.

“I’m sorry that you’re pissed off and everything, but you know I wasn’t feeling good about being there any longer. And you know that I won’t be gone all that long. Just until I figure some stuff out.”

“What have you got to figure out?” she asked, seemingly upset. Knowing Liz, she was probably concerned that she was the reason for me leaving.

“Stuff. I just want to see if what I’ve gone ahead of me is really what I want.” I started habitually talking using my hands.

“Alright well…. I love you. Call me soon. I want updates on your trip, no matter what happens.”

“I’ll call. I love you too! Don’t be too upset with me!”

Lizzie was laughing as I heard the phone click shut. I shrugged a laugh and took a sip of my drink noticing that there was a pair of eyes on me. I tried not to look, instead just focused on my phone. The eyes didn’t leave me. I could feel them. Their unremitting stare pierced me in an indescribable way. I gazed at the floor, trying to let the person know that I knew they were watching me, but obviously they didn’t care. The more they looked, the more sweat broke out on my forehead. Finally, without being able to stand it any longer, I looked up.

A pair or startling emerald eyes took me by surprise. They looked familiar. I was too struck by the eyes to look at the person as whole, until his eyes flickered down. I was able to look him, not just his emerald irises. He was pale, milky white and oddly too light. His dark brown hair covered down to his neck and he had hidden half of his face behind some once he caught on that I was now staring at him. His lips, plump and pink, were moving as if he was speaking to someone. I rolled my shoulders back and tried to stop staring, but there was some strange aura about him that forced me to look. He stifled a cough, and I snapped out of my trance. I gulped the remainder of my drink and practically ran out the door.

“Wait! Miss!” A voice shouted behind me. It was low and it echoed in my brain after the words hit my ears. I spun around, shocked to see the man with emerald eyes looking back at me.

“Yeah?” I said, sounding weak.

“You left your phone on the table.” He held out his hand to give me it. I flushed a million different shades of red and reached my hand up to grab my phone. His index finger accidently grazed my palm, leaving my hand feeling cold and numb. I looked open mouthed at him while he just smiled back.

“Thanks.” I said and took a few steps back to my car. Once inside, I breathed deep for a few moments. That was strange, definitely. That person was absurdly good looking, but frightening all at once. Something about him was not right. He looked so perfect, like chiseled from marble.
“Whatever.” I mumbled to myself and drove back to my hotel without looking back.