This Must be Fiction


I woke up the next morning with the smell of cigarettes surrounding me. I sat up and yawned heavily. Ville was sitting shirtless on the end of the bed, smoking a cigarette and blowing the smoke out the window.

My hand reached out and stole the cig from Ville's grip, pausing to let our skin touch.

"Morning beautiful." He said, kissing my cheek.

"I must look like hell." I rubbed the make-up from underneath my eyes. I could feel last nights effects on me.

"Never." He grabbed me around the waist and brought me closer to him as I inhaled the smoke.

"Oh hush. I know I do. I've seen myself 'the morning after,'" I used air quotes, "and it's never good. Not usually."
Ville chuckled and took the cigarette back.

"How long have you been up?" I asked before Ville could comment on my previous statement.

"A few hours. I've been in and out of the room a few times but I can't seem to stay out unless I know you're awake." He looked at me through the smoke. I shook my head and twirled a loose piece of hair around my finger and tucked it behind my ear.
I stole a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

"I wouldn't mind if you left. It would be rude to expect you to stay and wait for me to wake up when I know you don't sleep much."

"I just can't leave you in here alone. After everything we talked about last night... speaking of... how much do you remember?" He put his cold hand on my bare knee.

"All of it. How could I forget?" I smiled, leaning my chin on his shoulder.

"I don't know... I'm not really sure how the human memory works anymore." He chuckled and messed his hair with his free hand.

My stomach ruined our lovely moment with it's incessant gurgling.

"You should get some breakfast. I think Lizzie's downstairs cooking."

"Have you um... eaten today?" I bit my lip. He nodded slowly.

"Ok well... then I guess I'll go eat." I bounced off the bed, grabbing one of Ville's tee shirts as I went. "Oh!" I said, tossing the cigarette out the window before starting for the stairs. I changed my shirt in the hallway, leaving the dirty one hanging on the door knob of Ville's bedroom.

Lizzie was surrounded by people as she cooked.

"Morning bitch." I said, slapping her behind gently. She laughed, which turned into a cough, and then continued to cook.

"Crazy night huh?" She said.

"That would be an understatement." I grabbed a pancake from the stack and chewed while I thought about everything that had happened last night. Some hungry boy bumped into me while I ate and caused me to be jostled from my thoughts.

"You look rough." Jimmy Pop's voice said from beside me. I punched him in the shoulder.

"I had a rough night."

"Oh yeah, you and Valo... I bet he gave you a rough night!" He joked. I tossed a pancake in his face which he began eating as it was still stuck to his skin.

"You're an idiot." I said.

"This may be true." He peeled the pancake from his face and set it down on a plate. "But at least I've got my good looks." I couldn't help but laugh at his grease and syrup filled face. He scowled at me, but kissed my cheek before running out of the room. "I was just kidding about the rough thing! You look pretty good with a hangover!" He shouted as he bounced from the kitchen.

Lizzie took a break from cooking to lead me away from the boys for a minute.

"Did you and Ville uhh..." She let her voice trail.

"No, no." I shook my head while staring at the floor. "I wanted to, but he didn't think it was a good idea." I looked to her grinning face. She let out one good laugh before attempting to hide the rest of her giggles. The boys took a break from their eating to stare at her.

"Stop it! We were really drunk, it was probably better that our first time together wasn't just drunk fucking."

Her face turned serious and she calmed herself down. "You're right, I'm sorry. It's just... you're you... and he's Ville. Like we were all talking about it before you woke up and we were taking bets as to how you'd be walking this morning."

I looked over Lizzie's shoulders to the group eating at the counter. "Are you serious? God that's so embarrassing. I can't believe you'd talk about my sex life in front of these grimy boys!"

"I didn't start it! Just Novak was talking about how you look like a good fuck--" I cut her off with a swift hit in the shoulder. "Ow! I didn't say it, he did! But anyway... He said that and then started asking me about how you are usually and I told him you're not slutty, but then they started talking about Ville's history and we sort of just started taking bets on how good the sex was."

"God you guys are truly disgusting. We didn't have sex. I mean, I wanted to, but we didn't. I can't believe you were talking about my sex life..." My hand flew to my forehead as I shook my head in disgust.

"I'm sorry, really. I didn't think you'd care." She hugged me briefly before someone called her name. "Eat some more, I bet you'll feel better."

"No, I should probably find Ville. We actually had a pretty interesting talk last night."
I left Lizzie to be entertained by her host of followers. I ran into Missy as I was heading back towards Ville's room. She smiled awkwardly at me and I returned the favor.

"Hey um... I'm sorry about being rude last night, I was having a rough day. But if you're looking for Ville, he's in the basement with Bam." She said, rushing off into the kitchen.

"Thanks Missy!" I said softly. I wasn't sure if she heard me, but she knew that I was thankful none the less.

My feet shuffled softly down the basement stairs, trying not to make a noise. I could hear quiet voices talking below me, and upon further inquiry I discovered that it was Kat, Ville, and Bam. I knew eavesdropping was a terrible thing to do, but I had to know why they were in the basement alone. I figured Ville's guard was down and he wouldn't feel my presence.

"It's not right. I don't like it." Kat said. I was shocked to hear her so upset.

"You like her Kat, you said it yourself." Ville but in.

"I do, and I wish I didn't. For her to know about us is just wrong and is going to get everyone in a lot of trouble. Maybe not soon, but in the long run we'll all be fucked if even one of the Superiors finds out about this."

They were talking about me. How could my friends be talking about me behind my back?
Ville spoke up. "They don't have to know."

"They'll find out. You can't hide from them forever." Bam cut into the conversation.

"I know... I know.... I'm an incredible idiot." Ville said. I had to hide my hurt feelings, I repressed them.

"How serious have you made this relationship already?" Kat asked. I wished I could see their expressions, but I was hidden in the stairwell, cowering like an idiot.

"Pretty serious." He said after a few seconds of thought. I remembered the night and just how serious our relationship had become in the last few hours.

"You've got to end it. I like her as much as Bam does, but you're both going to get hurt in the long run. Were you planning on changing her? And then what? Feel immense guilt for the rest of your long lasting life? There's just far too many complications with this entire relationship. Ville, it's got to end."

"I know. We shouldn't be together, it's a mistake. But I can't seem to stay away."

"Maybe you ought to." Bam said. I wanted to cry, but I sent the feelings away so Ville couldn't tell I was there.

"Maybe I ought to." Ville repeated. It was then that I let out a soft sob. All three voices halted and I could feel Ville's incredible sorrow for knowing I was listening. I ran up the stairs as fast as my legs could take me. I ended up collapsing on the bed in my room and holding back sobs. Ville rushed in the door.

"Molly... I don't know all that you heard... but.." He was standing next to me, but I couldn't look at him.

"Don't." I held a hand up. "Let's just end it now and forget about everything. It's clear that us being together is too much for either of us to handle."

"Molly, I don't want that to happen." He sat next to me. I stood.
"Well maybe I do. Maybe I don't want to be your mistake. Maybe I don't want to be constantly reminded that we're not supposed to be together and I'm not even supposed to know you. Let's stop fucking around and I'll just let you live your life without me."

"I don't want to live my life without you!"

"You should! You've made a mistake." I used his exact words. I glared at him with spite in my eyes, making sure he knew how I felt about that statement. How was I supposed to believe that he loved me when he said everything we had done together was a mistake? I began throwing all of my clothes in my bag, as well as gathering Lizzie's things.

"If you leave here, there's no way of knowing if we'll ever see each other again."

"Well I guess that's what's going to happen. You said it yourself. We shouldn't be together." I finished loading my things in my bag and I headed downstairs, letting the tears fall rapidly. Ville chased after me.

"This is what you want to do? You want to just run from all your problems? You think that's going to help anything?" He asked with animosity in his voice. I turned to see his beautiful, sorrowful, angry face. It felt like someone had stabbed me in the stomach. In reality, a stab in the stomach would have felt better compared to the feeling of leaving Ville.

"Leave me alone. You're better off with someone else who's going to make your life easier instead of fuck everything up. Let Kat and Bam know I said goodbye."

Lizzie emerged from the kitchen once she heard our shouting voices. I looked her with watery eyes. "We've got to go." I tossed her bag at her.

Ville emotions were hitting me in waves and I wasn't sure how much of it I could handle. The one emotion that was stronger than the rest wasn't the anger, or the sadness; it was the regret. He regretted everything that was going on. He was probably feeling the same thing I was. That we should have never met, and we never would have had this problem. A human and a vampire were never supposed to be together, and we weren't going to be.

"Good bye Ville." I turned my back to him and stepped towards the door. His strong hands grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face him.

"Don't." He said simply. I gazed into his amazing eyes and thought about the decision I was making. But it wasn't only me. He had helped me walk out the door by saying that everything was a mistake.

"I've got to." I said. I turned away from him forcefully and stepped from the doorway and towards Lizzie's car. She followed me.

"What's going on?" she asked. I shook my head and allowed myself to cry heavily.
I left that day, knowing that Ville and I would never meet again, and we were both better off that way.
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Merry Christmas! haha so the story takes a sort of 'turn' from this point, but dont be worried loves =] thanks so much for reading, i always appreciate every single comment and/or message and/or good rating. happy holidays!