This Must be Fiction

It's not a coincidence.

I took another midnight walk that night. The moon was even brighter than the night before, lighting the entire beach just for me. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that no one else was on the beach, as it was stunning at this time. The water glittered and it seemed as if there was so imperfection to be seen anywhere. It was beautiful. Again, the moon proved itself to be the symbol of my current situation. Who knows why, but I felt a connection to it.

I sat down in front of the waves and let the water splash onto my toes. I felt a presence near me, but didn’t bother to turn around and see who was there. I had outlandish hopes that it would be the man I had the strange encounter with at the coffee shop, but ignored the thought. What would be the chances?

“Funny meeting you here.” A deep sultry voice let out from behind me. I knew it was him and I immediately stiffened. I was scared, nervous, and alarmingly excited all at once. I didn’t move.

“Sorry, I know you must be scared of me, considering we keep running into each other. I just think it’s weird.” He said. I saw his shadow move closer to me and eventually he took a seat beside me in the waves.

I couldn't help hoping that this was just a coincidence, but I knew somehow that he had intentionally come to see me. For what reason, I don't know. But it frightened me.

“What's your name?” He asked. Either he really was honestly trying to get to know me, or completely stalking me. I chose the latter option and began walking away. He got up and followed.

“I’ll call the police!” I screamed. He put a finger to his lips in attempts to get me to calm down. I continued jogging towards my hotel.

“I’m not a rapist or anything! I just want to talk!” He yelled, still following. After not answering him, he got the hint and turned away. I let out a slight breathe of relief but continued to jog.
I got back to my room and collapsed on the bed. I let out a deep breath and began to sob quietly. I was fearful of this person who had me infatuated with him only hours earlier. How could one person do so much to me in one day? Like okay, maybe he wasn’t a rapist or kidnapper, but what are the chances that some random guy is going to run into me on two different occasions on the same day, locations being miles away from each other? I didn’t want to take my chances.

But he was stunning. I would even say beautiful, but that seems somewhat strange. And he didn’t really seem like he wanted to abduct me and take me back to a creepy apartment in the slums of town. What do I know anyway?

I woke up feeling better the next morning, but was thinking about leaving the next day. There wasn’t anything for me in this small town anymore. It was still fun just to lounge around though.

I finally called my mom.

“I’m not mad, I’m disappointed.”

“Ok you can’t even say that, it’s so cliché.” I joked. She scoffed through the phone. She had gotten over her anger and had moved on to her understanding phase.

“I wish you would come home, but I understand that you need to do this. I miss you so much.”

“Oh come on mom you’re going to guilt me into coming back. I love you, you know that.”

“I do. I love you too.”

She continued to tell me about how my brother James and my dad were handling me leaving, which was pretty much just what I expected. They didn’t really mind that I did. It’s not like it interrupted their lives much. We ended the conversation discussing the stipulations of my leaving, which was that once I “found myself” (which is the term mom used) I would return home as soon as possible. I assured her it wouldn’t be long.

That night I took a walk to check out some of the local night clubs nearby. They were small, mostly just a few bars lined up next to each other. Without even really noticing what I was doing, I walked nonchalantly into a suspicious looking establishment. It was subconscious.

There couldn’t have been more than 10 people in there, not including the lone bartender. I ordered a beer knowing that the bar tender would not ID me. He clearly didn’t care. It was unusual for me to be in a bar by myself, but I really needed something to drink.

A cool breeze caught me from behind. It felt nice at first, but then turned into a chill. It was bizarre to have such a cool wind in this time in Virginia. I turned towards the door to see the source of the draft, and saw him. His emerald eyes caught me from 20 feet away. I sat still, frozen. This can’t be happening. He’s definitely stalking me. This is crazy.

I turned back towards the bar tender and flashed an awkward smile. He looked disgruntled. I shivered, clutching my arms closer to each other, and prayed that this mysterious man would disappear. Or at least not see me. I knew however, that wasn’t the case.