This Must be Fiction

A Conversation

It amazed me that I could fall asleep in Ville's arms considering how cold they were. But he had wrapped me in a blanket.

"Mmm." I groaned as I sat up.

"You were moaning again." He said with a smile. I rubbed my eyes.

"Damn it. What was I saying?"

"Mostly incoherent rambling... but I did hear the word vampire in there once or twice." He started combing his fingers through my hair. It took a lot to focus on our conversation instead of the feeling of his fingers in my hair.

"I wish I could remember my dream." I shook my head and rattled my brain for some sort of memory.

"I think I could guess the jest of it."
He never failed to sound so eloquent, no matter what he was saying. I melted into him again.

"Vampires don't scare you anymore." He said plainly.

"No, they don't. They never really did."

"Yes they did. I remember first telling you, and the intense fear and agony you felt at that moment. You were convinced I was going to kill you."

"I never thought you were going to kill me, I knew you wouldn't." I started scratching his arm mindlessly.

"It didn't felt like you knew that." He laughed. I pinched him, I don't think he felt it.

"I knew you, even at that point, far too well to think that you'd hurt me. It was the fact that you've killed people before that honestly terrified me. I don't like to think about it, it still bothers me." I shrugged. Ville's loving attitude seemed to fade. I felt his uneasiness.

"There's uh... something we've never discussed before." His voice was lower than before. That's how I knew something was wrong.

"I don't like how this sounds." I sat up straight and inched back from Ville. We were still touching, but our faces were not as close.

"I don't really... I don't want to talk about this. If it were up to me, it would never be an issue."

"I can't take this anticipation anymore."

"Your dream.. about vampires... I'm pretty sure it wasn't that good. It seemed to be about you turning into one of us... but you know that if the Superiors find out that you'll well you'll have to.." He started moving his hands around as if they were going to help him get the words out.

"I'll have to be changed. Yes I've thought about it before Ville. I'm not excited... and yeah I guess I'm terrified of it... but there's a lot of pros to turning into a vampire too." I tried to reason. As much as I could help it I tried not to think about what would eventually have to happen.

"What could possible be good about turning into something like... this?"

"We'll be together forever. I won't have to worry about my weight... you won't have to treat me like I'm made of glass anymore... Save money on food... I don't know... things like that I guess. Mostly that we'll be together forever."

"I like the sound of that. I still wish that it didn't have to happen. It tears me up that..."
I put my finger to his lips. He kissed it. "It's alright. I know things will be really different... but we don't have to worry about that for a while do we?"

"I'm not sure."

"Oh." The sudden thought of turning into a vampire any time soon startled me. I assumed that we would wait a few years before anything happened.

"It really depends on when and how the Superiors discover us. Or if that's our punishment..."

My eyes grew wide. "What are the other options?"

"Don't make me say it." He whispered. I shivered into the couch, fully comprehending the fact that I could be killed for loving Ville. It didn't seem right, or fair, and I was angry, scared, and upset all at once. My body almost didn't know how to register it.

"Can't we just.. why..."

"Shh, it'll be fine. It's really, really unlikely. Besides, some of the Superiors owe me favors... so I'm positive nothing bad will happen. All that we have to worry about is your changing. Whenever that may be."

"Yeah..." I sighed, nestling into Ville again. He started tracing patterns on my arm while he hummed. "What's it like?" I whispered.

"It's... it's like a void. You don't know what's going on, and you only register it once it's over. At the end it's.. painful. But then... after you're changed... there's a feeling of... I guess a feeling of a new beginning. Like you can do anything. But I've got warn you..."

"What?" I asked, knowing Ville didn't want to explain.

"That you'll have to be isolated from society for... a long time. It will take years for you to control your hunger around humans. The smell of blood will be far too powerful. Being in public will practically destroy you."

"What about... my family?"

"It's not possible. At least not for a very long time."
My eyes started to water at the thought of never seeing my family or friends again. But then I looked to Ville's face and knew that he would help me through it. And, thinking about it, I decided that I would be stronger than any other vampire. I would control myself.

"Maybe I'll be different."

"It's unlikely. But maybe." He smiled down at me and kissed me.

"I just can't imagine... going without seeing my family or friends for that long. How long do you think we have before the Superiors find out?"

"It's hard to say. As long as you're staying here... out of sight... I think we'll be fine. No one really knows that you're in Finland, so it's fine. Doesn't everyone think you're in Paris?"

"Mostly. I had to tell Nathan that I was here, but I told him to tell everyone else that I was in Paris. As far as the media goes, I'm in Paris." I rambled. All the information was so overwhelming. It wasn't like I didn't know some of this information already, but hearing it again made my mind race. My heartbeat increased.

"Easy, girl. No need to stress now. Everything will happen when it's supposed to. If we're lucky, you have many human years left... I hope."

"Enough to catch up in age to you? Like six-ish years?" I mumbled. Ville laughed and stroked my hair.

"Perhaps. Let's not worry about it."

"You know me. I'll worry forever."

"This is true." He kissed the creases on my forehead. I relaxed them only for them to become crinkled again. "Cut it out." He chuckled and kissed them once more.

We spent the majority of the day relaxing and watching movies. This was the slowest pace that my life had ever been moving at, and I couldn't help but love every second of life. Compared to only last week, when I was a hollow shell of myself. I walked around with a hatred for life and the people in it. Now, I was back to myself. I was happy again, forever. As long as Ville loved me, and I loved him, there was nothing that could make me be depressed again.
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thanks so much for the support I've gotten =] I'm glad some people care that my stories being jacked, so thanks. again, its taken a long time for me to get this out mostly because i haven't had the motivation to write since they stole my story, but I'll get back on schedule soon. again, thanks so much to those who commented with their support.