Status: Active

'Cause I'm Broken When I'm Open And I Don't Feel Like I'm Strong Enough

And I Said; No, Please Don't, Please Don't Go. No, Please Don't Leave Me Now...

My younger brother and I sat down on the small leather couch in the corner of the small office, opposite ends of course and the officer sat across from us on the other couch. He was hunched forward a frown on his worn out slightly wrinkled face. He was I’d say about late forties, about the same age as mum actually and his hair was already grey. He had stern, kind eyes, that showed a lot of wisdom and you could tell that this man had seen a lot of things in his time; but it was his eyes that worried me at this point in time. They were so soft, caring, sad, kind at the moment, the way someone looks at you when they know something terrible has happened to you and you don’t know it yet.
Mr. Butten our principal sat in a computer chair in the far corner, also frowning. Mr. Butten was also an older man, who instead of greying was going bald. He is also quite large, and not a very good principal. Not that anyone would be game enough to tell him that. However this was starting to worry me, they way they both looked. If Jackson had done something wrong that needed the inclusion of the police then why on earth was I called in as well.
Plus it couldn’t be me being the one in trouble, I’m the good kid, the one that doesn’t get detentions let alone get in trouble with the police. Not that Jackson is like that but he has had trouble with a bully, and the cops might have finally gotten involved in the escalating issue. Still I don’t get why the hell I am here if it has to do with Jackson.
But I tried to keep a pleasant facial expression and I also tried to keep a interested but not so worried look... I don’t think it worked very well at all. I probably looked like an idiot, oh well.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when Mr. Butten spoke with his loud over powering voice, I don’t think he did it on purpose it was just the way his voice was.
“Ella and Jackson this is police officer Buckman. He is here to tell you some news, I will not be present during this time as it is none of my business and I believe that I should not be involved. Officer Buckman will look after you and when he is done you may go collect your bag and school hat.” He said as he got up and left the room. Great. So now we were alone in the principal’s office with some random copper, that was looking at my brother and I in a way that worried me greatly. Ugh, this was definitely not good and it was so obvious that I do not want to know why this officer is here. Although if it has nothing to do with Mr. Butten then it mustn’t be regarding the bully issue...
It was tense, really really tense. The copper was still looking at us, obviously not knowing how to start off with what he wanted to discuss with us. I looked at my brother, who seemed to have realised that this was a really odd situation and he sent a reassuring smile my way. I sighed and decided I couldn’t deal with the tense atmosphere and suspense as to why we were there, I cleared my throat wich seemed to bring the officer back to real life.
“Ummmmm... So officer...Umm... Buckman was it?” I spoke up.
“Yes. Yes it is officer Buckman.” He replied quickly with a small smile, and didn’t continue so it seemed that I had to make this actually come out.
“Oh okay, well officer Buckman, would you please tell us why we are here. I really am quite curious as to why a police officer wants to talk to my brother and I” I laughed lightly.
Officer Buckman cleared his throat awkwardly, “Oh, uh, yes.” He started.
For someone who seemed to be experienced in his work he really didn’t seem like he kew what he was doing, or how to do it. It was actually quite amusing. I plastered a smile on my lips as I knew he was finally going to start explaining why the hell we were all crammed into this room.
“Uh, well, there was a crash on one of the roads, and I am so very very very sorry to tell you that your mother was in that accident.” The police officer finished, as my eyes widened and became glassy. I spared a glance to Jackson and he was as stiff as a board.
Through clenched teeth as he seemed that was the best he could do Jackson replied to the officer “Is she alright? If not what hospital is she in?” My world was spinning... Mum was in a crash...
I heard a voice speaking and I knew I had to tune back into the here and now and not in my own thoughts. “She isn’t in a hospital, sonny” I looked at the officer then, understanding straight away what he meant.
Jackson stood up abruptly and started yelling at the officer “WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOT IN A HOSPITAL!!!! WHY THE HELL ISN’T SHE IN A HOSPITAL IF SHE WAS IN A CRASH?! WHERE THE HELL IS SHE??ARE YOU PEOPLE REALLY THAT BLOODY STUPID!!” I stayed quiet, letting him get it out of his system before I pretty much whispered out, it was the best I could do, was to whisper;
“She is dead Jackson... Mum’s dead...”
♠ ♠ ♠
I hated writing this chapter :(
It's so sad...
Well yes this will be kinda depressing for quite a while... :/
But that is the way the story is going.
I hope that you like the story so far, comment and tell me what you think, thanks for reading :)