How would it be to be part wolf?

Sapharely's new idenity.

I was running into a wooded area dodging trees left and right. A large black wolf with white paws the size of a bear appeared in front of me.

“What are you?” I heard myself say. The creature just growled at me. Glowing green eyes stared at me, a smile that flashed with sharp white teeth that were stained red with blood.

“Yo….you…you’re a…a….a wolf?” stuttered out. The creature let out a howl. Then the eyes of a human appeared where the wolf’s had been. The wolf’s ears disappeared and a human ear replaced them. A human face appeared then a human’s body. The man I saw before me spoke quietly to me.

“Yes, I am a wolf…correction a werewolf...” A lightly tan hand touched my shoulder. He took a step toward me. “Your quite beautiful, miss… Hmm I wonder what you will turn out to look like as a wolf…” He leaned into me and kissed my neck. When he spoke it was against my skin. “So wonderful….such a beautiful scent…You’ll be quite the wolf…I’ll say.”

Next thing I know he had bit into my neck. A burning feeling crept inside me, as the venom started to flowed thru me, my veins feeling like they were on fire and I just wanted to fall in pain. Then that burning feeling was replaced with pure pleasure I have never felt before….my hands trailed to his back, digging nails into his back and pulling him closer to me….all that was in my head was more…more.. Then I bolted up, hitting my head on the table.
“Oh mother of Eliyia!” My name is Sapharely. I am 22 years old and at age of 14 I was bitten by a werewolf. I am now a werewolf along with my little brother Romulus, and my friends, Delilah, Natalie, Lost moon, and Rasaline.

“Geez, I have been having that dream a lot lately.” It has been 8 years since I was changed. I looked down at Lila, my fluffy black and white kitten, curled up on my lap.
Who was that man that bit me years ago? I haven’t gotten him out of my head since I saw him back then. This man was beautiful, the body of a body builder, beautiful gray eyes. This man I had to get him for not even giving me a choice. He changed me into my wolf I am now.

“Leila, I have got to get him. How can some one be so graceful and calm but so fierce and strong at the same time?” I was going to find him, I looked at the clock. It was 12:01 am. Perfect, this is the time I was changed. I jumped out of bed and ran to the door. “Topaz, I’m heading out for a bit. I’ll bring you some food, later.” Topaz is one of my 5 roommates. I live with 4 wolves and a vampire. Topaz is a wolf. She’s chestnut color, with blue eyes.

I took off into the woods down the street from us. I let out a whine then my vision was then changed to seeing through wolf eyes. Soon the smells around me were stronger when um mouth and nose became a wolf muzzle. My human ears disappeared a wolf ears appeared. Then I was walking on all four legs. I had become a wolf.

I looked down at my paws and growled. I was looking at gray paws. I am mostly white but tip of my tail, paws, belly, and tip of my ears are gray. I walked over to a small pond and looked down. I saw purplish gray eyes and I stood about 7 foot tall.

I sniffed the ground and bolt for a doe that was near by. I could smell blood and I ached for…hunger in me grew. I jumped at the dear just to get knocked back against a tree by a dark gray wolf wit white speckles, and beautiful blue eyes. I growled throwing the wolf off me. I let out this great howl and mentally yelled

what the hell are you doing?

A second later and the wolf answered me.

I am Lostmoon…..You knew me before you became a wolf. You know me in human form. Sapharely I never knew you were a wolf too.

I stated calmly at Lostmoon.

Oh I do know you. You’re my brother Romulus’s roommate. Yea I haven’t always been one. I was out for a jog one day when a large black wolf with white paws bite me and change me.

I stared in eyes of this wolf. He was beautiful. The answer came tome.

Yes. I am Romulus’s roommate. I have liked you even before when you were a human.

I stared blankly at the ground. Oh my gosh, who knew that Topaz, Romulus, Natalie, Rosaline, and Lostmoon were all wolves before.

Lostmoon have you guys always been wolves?

Lostmoon looked deep into my eyes. I could the doe again.
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