The Roxettes


School waited for Flare like a giant angry obstacle in a course. It had been four days since Paul's untimely death. He had died from smashing his head against the pavement, which had caused a brain vessel to leak. Just thinking this made Flare break out into a cold sweat. That morning, she walked up the corridor to find the Roxettes waiting for her. There was Angelica, Heidi and...and...


As Flare reached them, Angie started to say something, but Flare cut her off with a sharp slice of a hand. She knew she had to be careful about what she said, no one knew that Flare was the one who had killed him, who had pushed him out onto the road. Everyone assumed that as Paul ran across the road to reach her, the car had just hit him. Rumours had started...

"I heard that as he reached her, she told him she didn't love him, and he committed suicide by being knocked down."

"Flare's friend was in the car, a kind of hitman, and she had ordered him to knock Paul down."

"Flare was in the car! And she drove it away real quick and then hopped out, putting on a sad face."

Oh, what juicy gossip. The Roxettes loved gossip, but not this time. Not when it was negative about them. Anyway, Flare turned to Delilah, and oh, if looks could kill!

"I know everyone thinks I killed them," Flare kept her voice steady but menacing, "But you're the one who killed him. You couldn't keep your slutty hands off him. You're a fucking sex-addict, life-ruiner....murderer"

Delilah felt guilty, but she didn't like being talked to like this.

"Excuse me?" she hissed, "He told me that he loved me, and that he hated you. He thought you looked like a man and he only fucked you because he felt sorry for you,"

This was lies of course, but Delilah knew how to lie. A crowd had formed, waiting for the drama to heat up. Flare kept herself stable, standing two feet solid on the crowd. Angelica was smirking, she was actually enjoying this. She loved the fact that her group was getting attention. Heidi just had her hands to her ears, eyes shut tight, singing a Mariah Carey song. Goodness knows why she was doing this, but it was Heidi.

"He told me he loved me," Flare began, ignoring the gathering students, "He just wanted to fuck you because he felt sorry that you have no boyfriend. You've never had a boyfriend, oh no wait, you did, but it turned out that he was gay,"

Shock. Horror. Everyone knew the story of how a former student had dated Delilah a couple of years back, and he came out that he was gay after they broke up. He moved a month later, but it had drawn and angry streak across Delilah's reputation. Everyone gasped as the words tumbled out of Flare's mouth. Delilah couldn't stand it a second longer, her deepest shame being brought to the surface.

She lunged at Flare, aiming for anything to grab onto. They tumbled to the floor, screaming and growling. It really was like a scene from Mean Girls, it was like watching something from the jungle. The crowd throbbed with excitement, yelling and wooping. Where were the teachers at this point? No one knows.

Delilah was grabbing fistfuls of Flare's spicy auburn hair, yanking and pulling and tugging. Flare punched Delilah in the stomach, and pinched her arm, drawing blood. Delilah punched back, aiming at Flare's boobs, causing Flare to roar in pain. Flare aimed for an even more sensitive place, and Delilah screamed in agony, clutching the spot. The crowd was going crazy, some shouting 'Flare!', the others shouting 'Del!'. The boys were just shouting stuff like 'Grab her nipples!'.

Then, a girl came out from the crowd. No one recognised or knew her. She had a kind of scene/emo/rock/punk/I-don't-deal-with-anyone's-shit attitude. She had long, white blonde hair with an angry pink streak running threw it. She had heavy black eye-make-up and icy blue eyes. She had on a cropped leather jacket over a white top with black designs scribbled all over it. She had a very short, layered, leather-black skirt on, and she wore hot-pink fish-net leggings. As footwear, she had personilised converse, which were flamingo-pink with a black message written on the sides. The message was: "Rehab is for quiters,".

She must have been new. With all the chaos and physical violence, nothing could have controlled them.


"EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" the girl screamed, reaching the top of her vocal chords.


No one uttered a word.

Even the boys.

All eyes were on the girl.

Even the fight had come to a halt.

"I need to get to my locker," the girl said simply.

She stepped gingerly over Flare and Delilah, who were woven around eachother on the floor. Even Angelica, Angelica, stepped to the side to let the girl reach her locker. She opened it, and took out a science book. She opened it, and read out an extract.

"When animals mate, they may come together physically to bond and connect. Other species of their kind may get harassed or perform other odd behaviour if witnessing the act, because it may come across as being violent or threatning. Though it may seem that two wild animals are fighting, they are in fact making love."

"Get a room," The girl raised her eyebrow at the couple on the floor.

The girl, without blinking, pushed the book back into her locker. She closed it quietly. The crowd stayed motionless, until it parted as she walked through it, down the hall, and out of sight. All mayhem broke loose. Everyone started clapping and laughing and yelling about how amazing that girl was. Who was she? What was her name? Did she really just do that?
Angelica stood, disgusted and for once, silent.

Flare and Delilah got up, patting their hair, ashamed and not quite believeing what just happened. And Heidi?

She was clapping too.