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The Future Is Bulletproof


Name: Gerard Way
Age: 33
Backstory: When the Drac Apocolypse began Gerard hid with his brother Mikey and his two friends Ray and Frank. After a week of hiding and surviving on cold beans, He decided he should venture out. Mikey, Frank and Ray joined him. Disaster struck when a Drac grabbed Mikey and stole him away. Ray ran after him and never returned. Sure that his Brother and His friend were going to be drained and changed, Gerard made a pact with Frank to help those who were not drained of their blood and turned in to Drac. They Called themselves the KillJoys.

Name: Frank Iero
Age: 29
Backstory: Same as Gerard.

Name: Mikey Way
Age: 30
Backstory: Same as Gerards. After Mikey had been taken by the Drac he was positive they were going the drain him off his blood and change him. That was until he saw Ray charging down after them, before the Dracs could react Ray snatched him from their grasp and they ran as fast as they could. They never did find Frank or Gerard. They assumed the worst and Made a pact to kill any Drac they came across.

Name: Ray Toro
Age: 33
Backstory: Same as Gerards and Mikeys.

Disclaimer: I actually Do own Ray, Gee, Frank and Mikey. No Really! They're Telling me to hurry on up and write the frickin' story!
Ha! Joke xD If I owned them I wouldn't be writing about them xD
Also, just a little heads up, the Dracs can smell humans. thats how they find you ;)
Oh! one more thing, would anyone care to make me a banner? I really can't make them :) thanks
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    Second update of the day :)