Status: Completed; Comments, please?; Sixalog?

Silvery-Edged Black Cloud

Chapter Seventeen: I’m Leaving

“Melody, what are you doing?” Kevin asks, as I start packing up my suitcases.

“I’m leaving.”

“W-what?!” He obviously wasn’t expecting that. “No. I forbid it.”

“I don’t give a damn, Kevin, I’m leaving,” I say, heading toward the bathroom to pack whatever I needed in there. “Get over it.”

“No! You’re not!”

“Why do you even care?!” I snap. “You’ve made it pretty clear that you couldn’t care less about what happens to me.”

“What?!” Kevin growls, glaring at me, “What the hell are you talking about?!!”

“Look, I’m just sick of it, Kevin.”

“Sick of what?”

“Sick of you. One second I think I love you, the next I just wanna kill you.”

“And that’s my fault?!”

“Yes, it is! Because you can’t make up your damned mind,” I growl, “When you get your head on straight then you can bother to find me.”

He just stared at me. Or, more, glared at me. I stood my ground, closing up the last of my suitcases before I attempted walking out the door. But, Kevin blocked me.

“Get out of my way.”


“MOVE!” I growl, “Or I’ll make you.”

“I’d like to see you try.” I glared at him another moment, before quickly sprinting across the bedroom. I hurriedly opened up the window, climbing through before Kevin had the chance to react. I ran as fast as I could off Fallen, twice as fast as I landed on Earth. He just didn’t understand.

♠ ♣ ♠

Well, eventually I lost Kevin. Once I made it to California, Florida, Washington, Virginia, and Alabama. Damn, that guy can run! It was a true relief when I lost him. Now, all there was to do was to find a place to stay until I figure all this stuff out. Florida sounds good, don’t you agree. Maybe New York and New Jersey, too?

I just have a good feeling about this.

This was just what I needed all along.

Hopefully I won’t be gone too long.

Oh, great. Now, I’m rhyming.

I really need this.


Oh, crap. Here we go again.

Does Kevin ever get tired?!

I swear, he’s superman!

♠ ♣ ♠

I bet you’re wonder about what I have to say now?

Well, Kevin’s still chasing me. And I’m in Kansas. In a tornado. HOW THE HELL IS HE ABLE TO CHASE ME IN A TORNADO?!!! I mean, really! How is this even possible?!

Gosh, does he ever give up?! Why is he even chasing me?! I could’ve sworn that he didn’t care! Damn him and his stupid complicated ass!

But, damn! Is it either hot or just plain sexy?
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a filler. The next part has some action. You’ll love it, trust me.