Status: Active; Comments, please?; I'm sorry to say that I have to take a break. I'm kind of running short on the attention-span to actually get anything done for this story. Sorry, again.

The Perfect Storm

Chapter One: I’m Back

My instincts took over. I just knew that I had to get away!

I skid along the pavement, running down the thin alleyway. The savage monster followed steadily behind me, making me pray that I wouldn’t trip.

A dead end. It had me cornered.

I felt a scream build up in my threat, as I stared into the monstrous eyes of the hunter. His bloody auburn hair bristled warningly, as he bared his teeth — which were a gruesome black — a savage snarl escaping his throat. I knew this was it. There was no turning back. This is where my end is.

I woke up, sweat beading along my face as the horrible nightmare seemed to have returned once again. Ever since that day I’ve been having the same nightmare. It always makes me wonder whether it was real. Did that really happen? Did Donovan really save me? Is Kevin really my kind-of boyfriend? Did Alison ever get her memory back? Am I back at Fallen?

I had been under a lot of stress just before I left. It was possible that that beast had been a mere frigment of my imagination due to the overwhelmed feelings I had been having. Isn’t it?

I shake my head, knowing there was no way I was going to get any sleep after that. I walk into the bathroom, throwing ice-cold water on my oddly pale face. My cheeks immediately begin to look flushed as the iciness reaches my exposed skin, sending me wide awake. This is a normal routine nowadays. Sadly.

I fluff up my neon blue, hot pink, silver, and purple hair; watching with amusement as my diamond eyes reflected the dim light of my bathroom back around the room. My face as regained its tan that I had lost while I was gone; something that nobody mentions for fear that Kevin will break their arm. My hair was still cut short, gaining a little length at an average pace that was scarcely noticable. I still constantly curled it, giving me that Rihanna-look.

I walked back into my room, hitting my iPod on shuffle and listening to the somewhat loud speakers blare a random Beyoncé song as I started doing my nails.

Nobody knew about my nightmares. Which is just how I like it.

♠ ♣ ♠

“So, what do you want to do today?” Kevin asks, as we walk hand-in-hand down the halls. Yes, we still attend college.

“Umm … I dunno. What do you wanna do?” I ask, smiling back at him. I know you probably won’t believe me, but Kevin just grinned at him. Although, I think his face started hurting — I know, mean thought — because it only lasted a second.

“I wanna spend the entire day with my favorite girl.” I laugh at his corniness, rolling my eyes at him. “What? It’s true!”

“And that’s one of the many reasons why I love you.” I peck his lips, watching as he pouter at him. “Hey, don’t blame me! Blame the damn PTA law.”

“But, there’s no law against giving your boyfriend a real kiss!”

“But, there is a law against stalking.” I walk into my class, watching as Kevin does his adorable pout. He’s just so darn cute!

“Oh, Melody, good to have you back,” Mr. Evans says, smiling at me. “I was getting worried.”

“I just needed some time away. A lot was going on,” I say, smiling, “But, I’m back now. Eager and ready to learn.” I mentally slapped myself. I’m an idiot.

“Ah, well, take a seat. Class is about to begin.”

♠ ♣ ♠

“Did you even go to class?” I ask teasingly, as I walk outside of the classroom. Kevin merely grinned at me, kissing me quickly before grabbing my hand and walking with me to lunch.

“I finished early. They run out of work to give when you lived through all of the American history.”

“Kevin, you are American history.” He rolls his eyes at me, smirking. He kisses me as we stand in line to purchase lunch, and again as we sit down at the table with everyone else.

“Ugh, please, not while I’m eating,” Josh snaps, glaring at us.

“I’m not sure what you’re doing is considered eating, Joshua,” Kevin snaps, glaring back at him.

“You just got the rebound. I was her first boyfriend.”

“But, at least I didn’t break her arm.”

“At least I didn’t wait over ten years.”

“At least I can kiss her.”

“At least I’m old enough to do this without you punishing me,” Alison says, whacking Josh on the back of his head as she walked by. “You may be my uncle, but you have no authority over me anymore.”

“Damned Witch,” Josh growls, loud enough for everyone to hear.

The ground started shaking, everyone swaying around violently, Alison’s voice filled the air as she hissed, “Alexandria Destiny Melody Johnson.” The Earth held still.

Alec grumbles to herself, making Mary roll her eyes. Mary suddenly starts singing, “Alec and —”

“SHUT UP!!!” Alec tackles her sister to the ground, and they began wrestling.

“Alison, aren’t you gonna do something?” I ask, staring with wide eyes at the twins.

“Why should I? They can’t hurt each other.”

“Are you blind?!”

“No. I’m not,” Alison snaps. She stays silent a moment, fidgeting awkwardly. I stare at her, sensing something more. She sighed. “It’s a Witches only weakness. We can’t harm family. At all. Supernaturally or not.”


“Hecate thought it was right.” Alison sighs again. “She thought that maybe we could stop wars. That all of us would be good and innocent and sweet.” She laughs darkly. “Wrong as hell. If I gave in to that dream I’d be dead. Right, Donnie?”

Donovan sat quietly, obviously not wanting to draw attention to himself. But, he seemed like he was just joining us right then. “Umm … yeah.”

“I know you wouldn’t be alive if Alison hadn’t threatened all of our lives,” Kevin growls, “So be thankful.”

Donovan flinched, still not use to being around any of us this long. “I’m gonna … be umm … going out to eat.”

“We know what you mean,” Tristan growls suddenly. Yes, I had found out that Raine and Tristan were a thing now. So, he and her live at the uppermost floor in my home. Because I do not want to know what they’re doing!

Alison’s eyes snapped up, obviously not knowing about him. “Who. Are. You?” She seemed almost scared.

“Tristan Bennett. Who are you?”

“Alison Rosetta Muse. Daughter of Queen of the Witches, Meagan Rebecca Muse.”

“Ah. That explains it.” Tristan smirked, pecking Raine’s lips quickly before standing up and walking away.

“Get rid of him.” Alison looked around, almost as if for backup.

“Make me, Witch.”

“Do you even know anything about him, Raine? Where did you even meet him?”

“Where did you meet Martin.”

“At a high school party.”

“At a club.”

“You’re an idiot!”

“You’re a bitch.”


“OH, AND YOU DO?!!!”

“I know more than you think. I may not be five-hundred and thirty-four years old, but I can sense things from people. He’s bad. Get rid of him.”

“He’s my soulmate. Get used to it.”

“Alright, fine. But, it’d be so sad if your little boyfriend just suddenly died in a fire. Or, slowly bled to death by an animal attack. Or, maybe he’d freeze to death. The possibilities are endless, Raine, your choice.”

“I’ll kill you right here, right now, Witch.”

“Yeah, but that takes you at least a minute. It takes me a second. The angrier, the faster.”

“You can’t hurt family.”

“Loopholes. You can’t kill me unless I want to be dead.”

♠ ♣ ♠

Eventually, I was able to corner Alison as she was walking to class. Kevin, of course, was right beside me. He hardly left me alone for a moment of privacy.

“Alison, what do you mean by Tristan’s bad news?”

“His last name is Bennett.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“The Bennett family are ancient hunters. They hunt Witches. Or, well, he does.”

“What do you mean?”

“The Bennett’s choose who they hunt. He hunts Witches. His brother, James, hunts Vampires.”

“What? So … that means —”

“He wants my head on a stake and cooked to perfection.” Alison rolls her eyes, laughing humorlessly.

“Alison, you should tell Raine.” Kevin looked at her sadly, though I could tell that he was more protective. “Or, I could get rid of him.”

“No, I think I’ll be safe.” She walks quickly away from us. Kevin and I look at each other, both thinking the same thing.

“Are you thinking what I think you’re thinking?”

“Kill Tristan?”

“Yeah. I don’t think that’s nessacary. I know a guy.” Kevin smirks, pulling out his phone and beginning to dial someone’s number. I roll my eyes, spinning around to walk toward my class; but Kevin wraps his arm around my waist, holding me beside him.

“Kevin, I’m gonna be late.”

“Too bad. I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

I swear that he thinks that I might run away again.