Status: Droubble

Answer Message


“Hello. I miss you quite terribly. When I waved goodbye yesterday, I was smiling. You’ll be pleased to know I didn’t go home and cry, but I did notice how quiet it was without you.

I thought about writing you a letter, but then I realised that by the time it got to your hotel room, you would be back. I was sort of glad about that, because I’m not very good at writing letters and everything just turns out as poems and songs.

This did too and I felt like sharing:
I like,
Where we are,
When we drive,
In your car...

She smiled as she listened to the message. She had had a long day of filming, and taking. And re-taking, over and over again. She had been slightly frazzled and very over tired when she had pressed the New Message button she had seen flashing on the hotel phone.

Listening to it, she forgot the stress of the day. She wasn’t suddenly lively and awake, but she was suddenly significantly happier. He often had that effect on her, she realised.

She had read about love being complicated and tragic, but this was not. This was just perfect.