Black Cat

one of one

Jack and Alex have been together for a little more than three years. They’re both twenty three years old and living in their own apartment. It’s not the best looking apartment, but it’s theirs all the same. They fight, but not a lot. Like most couples, really. However, all of their fights typically center on one thing – Jack’s cat Henry.

Alex loathes the cat. He hates cats in general, but this cat? Alex can’t even stand to be in the same room as it. For one thing – it’s all black. There are no white spots. No other colors. To Alex, black cats equal bad luck. And nothing Jack says is ever going to make him change his mind.

On top of the ‘bad luck’ thing, the cat tends to stare at Alex whenever they happen to wind up in the same room. Like right now. Alex is sitting on the sofa, watching a rerun of a Glee episode that he missed. Henry is on the floor, sitting and staring at Alex with his stupid greenish yellow eyes. Alex feels uncomfortable, and he squirms in his seat. The cat’s tail flicks back and forth, almost as if it’s enjoying watching Alex freak out on the inside.

Normally, Alex would make Jack move the cat to another room or something. But he can’t this time, because Jack is picking up a few things from the corner store. And Jack has been known to take his time with these things. So Alex has to suffer. He sends the cat a glare before turning back to the TV, set on ignoring the animal altogether.

But no. Henry apparently doesn’t like to be ignored. The cat jumps up onto the couch and stands there on the cushion next to Alex, eyes boring into Alex as he tries his best to just pretend not to notice. He laughs weakly at something on the TV, and he nearly jumps out of his seat when the cat is suddenly sitting in his lap.

“Oh, fucking hell,” he whines, his hands gripping the sides of the couch, “Get off.” He tries to move the cat off of him without actually touching it, but it’s no use. The cat remains in his spot, looking up at the frightened twenty three year old.

Alex sits still for a whole two minutes, mentally debating on what he should do, when the door swings open and Jack is coming inside, singing some dumb song off the radio in a high pitched and irritating voice.

“Jack,” Alex says loudly, turning his head to look at his boyfriend, “Jack, get this thing off of me.”

Jack puts the plastic bags in his hands down on the counter and he turns to Alex with a laugh, “Henry likes you, Lex! I don’t understand why you have such an issue with him!”

“Jack!” Alex warns, and Jack doesn’t waste another second. He walks over and picks the cat up gently, petting it a few times before putting it down on the floor.

“Sorry Henry. Alex doesn’t like you,” the younger boy says sadly.

Alex frowns, “It’s still looking at me.”

Jack sighs and throws his hands up in the air, “Then leave the room!” He bends down, and somehow manages to pick Alex up, throwing the older boy over his shoulder and keeping a tight hold on his legs.

“Hey!” Alex shouts, “Hey, you can’t just manhandle me whenever you feel like it!”

“I can when all you do is complain about my cat!” Jack brings him into their bedroom and pushes Alex down onto the bed.

Alex sits up, pulling Jack up to lie down beside him, “I hate your cat. You’re lucky I like you.”

“You more than like me,” Jack says, pressing his nose into Alex’s neck, “And Henry likes you. You’re just so superstitious. Black cats don’t cause bad luck.”

“I don’t’ care – he still creeps me out.”

The younger boy hums and wraps his arm around Alex’s waist, “What if we get a dog?”

“Don’t have room for a dog. We barely have room for your devil cat.”

“Don’t call him that,” Jack laughs weakly, “He can hear you. Maybe that’s why he’s always staring at you. Because he knows you don’t like him.”

Alex is about to answer, but then he hears the door creak open and he freezes, knowing exactly what’s about to happen next. He grips onto Jack and buries his face in his boyfriend’s neck, barely able to contain his laughter as Henry settles himself on Alex’s pillow right above Alex’s head.

Jack has an amused smile on his face, leaning down and pressing his lips into Alex’s hair, “I guess I should have closed the door.”
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I really have no idea why this idea came to mind. But whatever, it's kind of cute. :)