Status: Active.

Nine Months.


With one shot I began to feel the rush. It was like adrenaline rushing through my veins. I felt no need to stop. Numerous shots of hard liquor later, I began staggering through the party. Beads of sweat formed on the small of my neck but I couldn't care any less.

My blond hair was as long as my shirt - an over-sized off-shoulder Bubbi top - which hung near my pierced belly button. One of my bra straps was exposed. My shorts weren't long enough to call shorts. My outfit was paired off with a pair of high-heeled boots.

The rush was increasing, as was my need for something to drink. I walked to Jake's backyard where the keg stand was. A random guy who I thought was named George poured me a cup and I gulped it down in a flash.

I licked my blood red lips. The sounds of Drake were blasting through huge ass speakers propped all over the place - the backyard, the living room and upstairs. You couldn't hear anything over the loudness of the music.

Kush rolled, glass full, I prefer the better things. Niggas with no money act like money isnt everything. I'm having a good time they just tryna ruin it.

I stood near the keg, tapping my foot impaciently while George poured me another beer. As he gave it to me, I walked away from him without muttering the simplest of a thank you.

As I walked, my vision became blurry and I staggered like a madman. The rush was building up inside of me and I didn't want to experience the fall without alcohol. As I walked, I walked into some guy. He was pretty fucking cute. "Oh my God! I am so fucking sorry." I said, more sorry I had to walk back to the backyard for another beer.

"Its okay," he chuckled and I could barley hear him over the freakishly loud rap music. "It happens quite a lot actually." he neared me and I smelt alcohol on his breath.

I be up all night. Whole crews in here. Cause I don't know who Imma lose this year. Oh, man I love my team. I would die for the niggas.

"Now why would someone spill beer on a really hot guy?" I asked him, without thinking about it first.

"I have no idea. How about you dance with me?" he asked a demanding tone in his voice. I nodded as he put his hands on my ass. I linked my fingers in his belt buckles and pushed him to the dance floor.
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so, how about a couple of comments?
i'd totally love you. <3