One Less Lonely Girl.

The day Becca had been waiting for since the beginning of time... i was kinda looking forward to it

I have to admit, the end of that day was more than hectik, we said our goodbyes to Justin and Axl, watched them leave in Justins big fancy car.
Then we leaped upstairs got our coats and flew out of the appartment to buy something neither of us had....
a dress...
''Do we really have to do this?'' I asked Becca
''yes!! thats what people wear on dates!! especially people going out with justin bieber, I dont know if the same applies to you and your wierd 80's dude!''
''Hey!! thats cute 80's dude that made me a custimised glass of pepsi, too you!!''
''Oh fine then... here it is anyway'' Becca said, sounding relieved from the long walk to the nearest dress shop in the area.
We entered the shop, and the first thing that caught my eye, was a small baby doll dress marked, $500.00, I would have walked straight back out again if it wasnt for Becca actually talking to the receptionist about ''ideal date dresses'' yeah I wasnt getting out of here anytime soon...
''If you follow me in this direction, i will show you our wide range of modern dresses, to suit the younger generation'' I tried not to laugh at the receptionists accent, It has got to be the poshest accent i have ever heard!
We reached this area of modern dresses which consisted of approximitly 600,000,000 dresses give or take one or two....
But i was immediatly drawn to a short cocktail dress which was tye dyed... TYE DYED!!!
''sorry how much is this one?'' I asked the receptionist, in the most non-wicklow accent i could..
''Oh that old thing? that shouldnt be in here, that belongs on the bargin rail... em $50''
''I jumped at the oppertunity of having the coolest dress ever!!''
''I'LL TAKE IT!!'' i probably said it a tad to loud, but sure ah well!
I went to purchase my dress, and when i returned , Becca was looking at a beautiful black knee length fitting dress with a purple flower pinned to the left shoulder..
''Its amazing!'' I said, sounding astounded
''Yeah i know, but the price is amazing too!''
''how much?'' I asked
''$400'' Becca said sounding upset, knowing she couldnt afford it..
''how much do you need?'' I asked cuirosly
I reached into my pocket and grabbed my purse, luckily i had that amount since my dress was a lot cheaper than expected, I handed to her, And she looked at me hovered her hand over mine
''take it becca, its not everyday this kind of thing happens to either of us''
She took they money and hugged me
''Love you soo much Sophie!''
She went to purchase the dress, and then we returned home, and got a good nights sleep.
The next morning or afternoon should i say, we both met in the kitchen for breakfast, Frosties of course! just looking at the box made me think of the journey the two of us had made of the past few weeks.. it has been something else!
''well looking forward to tonight?'' Becca asked
''oh yes!!! very much so! what about you mrs. Bieber?''
''she flinched at the sound of his name, in a good way, she was oblivious to the reality of her situation. i was so happy for her!
6 o clock came, and we both went upstairs to change, I was so amazed at my dress... It was the coolest thing ever!! Beccas also was absolutely stunning!
A bell rang at the door, and me and becca both said symoltainisly ''DOORBELL''
They let themselves in, because they were now aware of the fact that we had no locks on the doors..oops!
We heard them in the living room, so we glided down the staircase to meet two people who seemed to have stood in the same position for hours, both staring.. i must say it was very flattering! I ran to hug Axl and Becca done the same for Justin.
''I'm sorry, but is that a tye dyed dress?'' Axl asked
''why yes it is!'' i answered
''HELL YEAH!!!'' i couldnt have asked for a better reaction.
I could not hear an end to Justins endless compliments toward Becca, I had to be sure she wasnt going to hit the floor again!
'' well m'lady your charriot awaits'' Again.. poshest accent ever!! coutasy of Axl
''Your vehicle awaits your glorious company'' Justin said in a very french accent!
We all walked out of the appartment, to see two vehicles parked in the drive way
A Combi Hippy Van... i wonder who thats for!!
and a white lambourgini... wow.. fancy!
Axl directed me toward the hippy van, and Justin directed Becca toward the lambourgini
and we were off! I must say that was one of the best journeys of my entire life.
We met up again at the restaurant... may I say it was the most expensive restaurant in Atlanta! Justin approached the over dressed man behinf the podium and he brought us to our seats, right beside a window, with the most amazing view!
Axl looked very very pleased when he knew i had ordered a quarter pounder, chicken wings and chips.. what? i was hungry!! '' A girl who isnt afraid to eat? Havent met any of them in a long time'' axl stated ''well then its your lucky day!'' ''that it is..'' i blushed..
Both Becca and Justin ordered Chicken chao main, great minds think alike!
I couldnt get over how good they looked together! Justin just never stopped complimenting her, Becca was so touched! Axl was the same.. I felt so loved! but eventually we got on to the topic of music, and our tastes were pretty much the exact same, which was amazing! We just clicked which i couldnt have been happier about! about an hour later, it came to the end of the greatest night ever.. but it wasnt over yet.. we were driven home but niether of us got out of our cars.
I looked at Axl ''Thank you for the amazing night'' I said smiling frantically
''No problem, You know i hope im not jumping into the deep end with this, but i've been waiting for a girl like you... your perfect! maybe we could see eachother again? ''No need to ask, you know my answer already'' i smiled.. And at that moment, Axl leaned over and kissed my lips softly, i had forgotten what it was like.. it had been so long.. He went around and opened my door, and brought me to the door, well we had to wait a minute, as becca wasnt letting anybody in until she finished her kiss with Justin.. He held her tightly, becca again looked like she could collapse but with joy and love... When Justin said goodbye i went over to becca and we waved the guys goodbye, Axl is never out of surprises though.. he jumped up on top of the hippy van and shouted to the world ''I HAVE THE COOLEST HIPPY METALHEAD GIRLFRIEND EVVEEEER'' ''He is such a child, in all the right ways'' Becca said looking a bit stoned if i do say so... Justin then went frolecking down the driveway with axl until they were out of sight, then remembering they had cars, they returned hopped in and drove into the distance.. me and becca headed up to the appartment, and collapsed on the sofa watching, keeping up with the kardasians... its not my fault.. mtv was on already and the remote was all the way over on the coffee table..
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My favourite chapter to have written, Hope you all like it!!! <3
dedicated to Becca =P
Love you!!! =D <3