One Less Lonely Girl.


Myself and Becca spent the rest of the night trying to clear the smoke from the apartment and getting rid of the smell with Calvin Klein-The one, the number one smoke smell remover!
It was a late night.. I cant remember the last time i went to bed before midnight.. But it was fine.
I woke up that morning to the sound of Justin Biebers voice coming from the television, and Becca shouting gibberish.... It was too early in the morning to try and figure out what she was saying so I sat up on the side of the bed, put on my spongebob slippers and went downstairs..
‘’WHAT TIME IS IT?!’’ I shouted at Becca
‘’em..11:30’’ becca answered not bothered by the tone of my voice.
I didn’t have the energy to argue with her so i made my way to the kitchen to get my morning can of pepsi and a bowl of frosties.
I was quite enjoying it until I heard this piercing sound coming from the bowls of Beccas lungs.
‘’SHES COMING, THE SUPERBITCH IS COMING HERE!! ITS ON JUSTINS TWITTER PAGE!!’’ Becca yelled while running around the room frantically waving her arms.
‘’What??!! Whos coming??’’ I said, trying to get the hearing back in my left ear.
‘’ Jasmine Villegas, The one from the baby music video! Come to steal my boyfriend will she..’’ Becca said very frustrated, She then ran to ther coffee table to retrieve her phone which had started ringing
She answered it and went walked upstairs with it at her ear, when she was gone, I ran to the tv and turned it off, and returned to my bowl of frosties
Becca practically fell down the stairs 15 minutes later with such a puss on her..
‘what the hell is wrong with you now?’’ I asked her
‘’me and you have been invited down the the recording studio to listen to Justin and mrs.Im going to steal Justin Bieber off stupid Becca, record a song..’’ Becca said angrily
‘’Will there be guitars in the area’’ I asked curiously
‘’Em..yeah i guess so..’’
‘’well im in!’’
Becca lunged back on the sofa, and i went to sit down beside her
‘’Come on Becca, nobody is going to steal nothing off you.. youll be fine.
‘’ugh..fine..’’ Becca let out a sigh but stood up grabbed her bag and we headed for the recording studio.
When we arrived, I was amazed by the size of the studio! But my attention left the building when i saw Axl standing by the door.
‘’SOPHIE!’’ He shouted when he caught a glipse of my pressance.
He started i didn’t know whether to run away or not,
I turned and darted in the other direction, soon noticing that i couldn’t run for shit
When i felt Axl’s arms underneath my legs as he swooped me up and twisted me around until the point where i thought i could puke..
‘’Where is Justin?’’ Becca asked soundly slightly disappointed
‘’Em.. he inside with Jasmin’’ Axl answered still chuckling over my reaction to his surprise welcoming.
‘’steal my boyfriend will she’’ Becca said under her breath as she bursted through the doors of the building,
Both Axl and I looked at eachother and decided it was a good idea to follow her, as i knew she was liable to kill this Jasmin person.
We found her circling at the first two way hallway we passed, chanting ‘’where is the superbitch’’ over and over again, I couldn’t help but let out a sigh and a chuckle, Axl done the same, he was starting to get used to Beccas madness.
‘’Superbitch is this way Becca’’ Axl said trying to coax Becca out of her trance like state
Axl lead the way to the correct room, But on our way I saw a room with an open door, full of vintage guitars, I stood looking at the ajar door for a few moments.
‘’Go on in Sophie, I’ll just drop Becca up and i’ll be down to you in a minute’’ Axl called from the top of the hallway.
I complied and entered the room, I was immediately drawn to a 1957 Gibson Les Paul Gold Top.
It was beautiful, I carefully took it off its hook grabbed a pick from the colourful box at beside the door, and sat down on a sturdy box, I started plucking away on the man who sold the world by nirvana, when Axl Glided in grabbed a Flying V guitar a pick but also pulled a dusty white sheet off the back wall to reveal not one but two 220 watt marshall amps!! I felt so small only having a 10 watt marshall back at the apartment,
Axl sat down switched on the amp and belted out the intro to sweet child o mine, It was amazing
It was the one song I really wanted to learn, Somehow he recognised that, and moved over to sit beside me, he put my Gibson on his lap and grabbed my hand to put on the fret board, after I got the first few notes, I noticed he wasn’t moving my fingers to the appropriate frets anymore, and that he was looking at me instead. I gazed up at him, and he removed my hat, and put it on the headstock of the flying v guitar which he had stood up against the wall.
He put his hand through my hair and repeated it again.
I blushed.. I was the worst person for these kind of situations.
‘’I love your shyness’’ He said, giggling quietly
He used his other hand, and placed it on my right cheek, and pressed his lips to mine
I returned the favour, and kissed him passionitly, after a while I realised we had left becca hostile and in a room with her boyfriend and someone who could very well not like her.
The two of us agreed to go see if she was ok. We frollocked (yes frollocked) down the hallway to the correct mixing room, we then took a peak into the glass window to find Becca and Jasmin circling eachother and Justin looking very afraid in the corner, I couldn’t believe it!
I burst through the door and into the middle of what looked like a sumo circle!
‘’WHAT THE HELL HAPPENDED?!’’ i asked angrily
‘’she kissed justin...’’ Becca said tears building up in her eyes
‘’He was my boyfriend first, and he still likes me bitch!’’ Jasmin said feeling very proud of herself.. i could have slapped her..well..em.. I kinda did.
Axl went over to try and calm Justin down, and I had joined Beccas side, Jasmin walked over to justin to ‘’calm him down’’ I never knew that stroking someones leg and playing with their hair and calling them baby, was counted as calming down..
Becca fled from the room tears streaming from her eyes.
Justin then stood up and spoke to Jasmin
‘’I don’t like you anymore! I really really like Becca! And you had no right to do that to her! I hope your happy with yourself... i think you should leave’’ Justin said calmly then leaving the room to find becca.. now it was my turn
‘’wow....remind me never to get on your bad side! You know for a tiny person, you have one heck of a voice!’’ Axl said looking a tad astonished
‘’thanks’’ I said trying to catch my breath
I felt a tad light headed, But Axl came over and held me tightly..
‘’Its ok..its over, no need to worry about it now..’’ Axl said softly whispering into my ear, he then kissed my forehead and released me from his bear hug, we then decided to go find Becca and Justin,
We found them in a hallway..arguing..
‘’Becca i realy like you! Nobody else.....just you!’’ Justin said pleading.
‘’But she said you still like her! Why should i believe you!!’’ Becca said shouting as she started walking toward Justin pointing her finger in his face
‘’why-‘’ her sentence was cut short by Justin lowering her arm and taking her hand in his and pulling her toward him and kissing her... I let out a silent awwww
‘’Well I suppose thats one reason...’’ Becca said laughing quietly
The two of them started walking in our direction hand in hand
‘’Sophie i know your there!’’ Becca said
‘’Shit Becca, I am so bad at hide and seek’’
‘’Well I guess this is the end of yet another eventfull day..’’ I said in a very commercialised accent
Everybody agreed and again said their goodbyes for yet another day.
Me and Becca returned to the apartment to ponder of the days magical events, and wonder about what tomorrow will bring..