One Less Lonely Girl.

There's no Canada like French Canada!

‘’Wake up Soph’s Babes!!’’ Becca called from the bottom of the staircase in the chaviest accent imaginable, usually that would be enough to get me up, but not today…
Today made going down stairs feel like a trek to the bowls of Hell.
I groaned an turned over onto my side,
But all of a sudden I got the smell of good old fashioned Irish sausages.. I leaped out of the bed and belted down stairs.
‘’SAUSAGES!!’’ I called as I ran over to Becca who was doing a fry up.
I stood and watched the sausages and bacon sizzle on the pan.
‘’Yeah I thought that would wake you up alright’’ Becca said sarcastically.
I was curious of why she was cooking in the first place… the cooker was rarely used, special occasion?
‘’Becca..if you don’t mind me asking, why are you cooking?’’
She looked at me with a guilty look on her face
‘’Well, two reasons.. Number one, I’m craving Bacon’’
‘’And number two?’’ I asked curiously
‘’Well today is a busy day.. you’ll find out soon enough!’’
The curiosity was starting to get to me, when I saw my suitcase lying across the coffee table..Packed.
‘’Are you kicking me out?’’ I asked feeling very blue.
‘’Of course not! I told you you’ll find out-’’ Becca’s sentence was interrupted by Justin running through the doors, and to Becca.
‘’This weekend is going to be great!’’ Justin blurted out
Becca tried to stop him saying anything more..
‘’what? What have you guys got planned?’’ I asked, a tad bit of disappointment in my voice
Then I heard something being dragged along the ground outside in the hallway, whoever and whatever was being dragged turned out to be Axl and one of the 220 watt amps from the studio!
Without realising the tremendous gift I had been brought, I shared my disappointment with Axl
‘’These two have great plans for the weekend!! Lets do something better!!’’ I said feeling very giddy.
‘’Em.. Sure ok… want to go to Canada?’’ He said in an even voice.
I stopped dead in my tracks and stayed silent for a moment.
‘’Did you not tell her?’’ Axl asked, looking at Becca.
‘’Nah, its too much fun leaving her in suspense, plus I thought you should tell her’’ Becca laughed.
‘’TELL ME WHAT?!’’ I shouted to the room.
‘’Em.. Me and you are going to Canada this weekend, well if you want!’’ Axl declared
I immediately turned to Becca and let out the biggest HA! Imaginable.. I beat her in the race to Canada
(It’s been going on for a while..) My level of happiness dropped when I found out what Becca would be doing.
‘’And when we are gone, Becca and Justin will mind the apartment’’ Axl said muffling his voice purposely knowing I wouldn’t be happy about it..
‘’You want me to leave this apartment in the hands of Becca?’’ I pointed at Becca, who was at this time pressing the microwave buttons until they made the beat to funky town.. (Epic towlie moment)
‘’Well Justin will be with her!’’ While Axl was saying this, Justin jumped in front of me waving his arms and shouting about how responsible he was..
I eventually gave in and handed over the apartment to Becca…. reluctantly
‘’Well then grab your bag and lets go!’’ Axl said with great enthusism
I had just realised I hadn’t had my pepsi today, so I strolled to the fridge grabbed the six pack of cans (what Becca or Justin we certainly not going to drink it!) I pulled off the first can, grabbed my ipod, hobo coat. Then I asked Becca on how many hats she packed for me
‘’Em… 5 hats and 3 bandanas’’ Becca said laughing about how seriously I was taking this.
I hugged both Becca and Justin, asked them to keep the place standing at all costs,picked up my suitcase and away we were.
Axl had a taxi waiting outside to bring us to the airport, and we drove away singing
‘’There’s no Canada like French Canada! it’s the best Canada in the land! The other Canada is hardly Canada if you lived here for a day you’d understand!’’
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I know its short, but im soooo tired xL more tomorrow!!