One Less Lonely Girl.

What now?

We both stayed in the small room, while Fluffee continued with the video.
I couldn’t believe it! I leave Becca for 1 day, and she has he appartment in the god damn paper for all the wrong reasons.. And if Justin Bieber of all people cant control her, then the world is doomed…
Axl and I shared a look of despair, We both knew we had to leave, and go back to restore the appartment to a suitable condition before that small evil man in the black suit came knocking on the door asking for the rent and making sure I was keeping the appartment in good condition.. Ha!
Fluffee finished the video (although it was about my poor appartment, it was pretty amazing!)
He sat up from his chair, and myself and Axl gave him a standing ovation
‘’You Irish with your generosity!’’ He laughed while he started walking over to us
‘’Why thank you, I say this on behalf of all my leprachauns!’’ I said, trying to prove that The irish really were more than generous people…. They are bloody well insane too!
‘’Ohh, now I remember why I love the irish!’’ He started, but was interrupted by Axl, who nominated himself to be the one to inform Fluffee that Chuck Norris was in our appartment, and we needed to return and get him out.. To our dismay of course, neither of us thought the little man dressed in black would take a very good liking to him.
‘’Video was awesome dude! But we gotta hit the road’’ Axl said while trying to pull me out of the room with his ‘’mind’’ powers, he was convinced he had.. Mad yolk!
‘’Ahhh, why! I think my girlfriend is just back with our supply of pepsi and doghnuts!’’
Well screw the appartment, they had pepsi and dougnuts!
‘’No sorry allen, you see.. Em.. Well.. that’s our appartment..well Sophie’s appartment’’ He blushed at his slip
‘’In your video.. Chuck Norris is in her appartment, and we need to go kick him out before the evil munchkin comes and steals her money!’’
Fluffee looked so confused yet so amused by the unbelievable story.
He started laughing frantically, walked into the kitchen and brought out two bags of dougnuts, and many….many.. Cans of pepsi.
‘’Here, for your ride home I suppose’’ He said sounding a bit disappointed but still laughing at my unbelievable room mate.
‘’Oh and tell that room mate of yours that she is epic!’’
How could I forget… im trying to calm her down and he wants me to tell her that one of her favourite people thinks she’s epic.. DOES ANYBODY UNDERSTAND!
‘’Yeah sure no problem’’ I said cradling the pack of pepsi, Axl holding a look of fear on his face..
40 cans of pepsi and a 4 hour plane ride.. Well he’ll get used to it!
We exited the building… well dragged from in my case.. What? There were more dougnuts!
We both started walking through the bustling streets in search of a passing taxi
Instead we found an awesome crazy dude racing through the streets screaming ‘’BURN THEM ALL’’
He was running in our direction, and for a moment I must of appeared as some sort of punching bag as he darted through me knocking me to the ground.


I slowly opened my eyes and started focusing on my surroundings, Somehow I managed to get onto the plane, I Sat up in my chair, and saw Axl coming down one of the isles with a packet of tayto and pepsi..
‘’What the hell happened?’’ I asked as he sat down beside me, still feeling a bit disorientated.
‘’Well… where do I start!’’ He said chuckling and placing the cup of pepsi in the cup holder beside my seat.
I knew I was in for a heck of an embarrassing tale.. I always am.
‘’Ok..well.. You were knocked cold by that dude who claimed to be Lucifer’s right hand man.. Then I tried to carry you to the closest hospital, but I dropped you halfway, now before you go killing me for dropping you, try to understand I was running at a very fast pace!
Well anyway, someone came to help, well more try to steal you off me, as he thought I was kidnapping you from your Canadian family, cool right?
So he starting running away with you over his shoulder, but was stopped by a strange un identified crate falling from the sky and on top of his head, but you were saved from the falling of the crate because the Lucifer dude came and pulled you out and gave you back to me, how nice!
By that stage you had decided to wake up, but you were totally our of it! It was quite funny to watch I must admit, and within five minutes you were on the ground again! So after that I forgot about the hospital and just carried you to the airport, And all the way we were followed by about 50 curious Canadians! put a pair of sunglasses on you and here we are!’’
Only then did I notice the large pair of dark sunglasses sitting on top of my head.
I was so embarrassed, It was the strangest story I have ever heard…
It just proves to you that im Irish I suppose.. Never.. Ever will you find a normal irish person.
Well after the exhausting plane ride we landed and made our way back to the appartment
Never have I been so afraid..but then I saw something that made my world callapse around me..
The black Honda belonging to the rent collecter was parked in the appartment complex carpark..
I ran up the stairs closely followed by Axl, I busted through the door
To find Archibald (the rent collecter) sitting on the coach, well I don’t know if you could call it a coach anymore, It was more of a bunch of blankets and cushions torn to shreds and made into the shape of a chair..somehow.
Becca was nowhere to be seen, and Justin was making coffee
‘’Ms.Doyle, nice of you to drop by’’ The evil man spoke is a very sarcastic voice..
‘’Sorry sir, I was on vacation and-’’ I was interrupted
‘’No need for have 7 days to vacate the premisis permently along with two months rent..good day to you all’’ He said feeling very god damn proud of himself as he left what was left of the appartment.
I immediately broke down, this place was my life, it was all I had here! Justin starting walking over to me and Axl and looked just as shocked as upset as me.. I didn’t even want to argue with Becca anymore, all I wanted to do was roll up in a ball and keel over.
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