One Less Lonely Girl.

Our last night

The week flew by pretty quickly, surprisingly..
Saturday came, tonight would be the last night me and Becca would stay in our apartment.
Tomorrow we would travel to our new homes for the foreseeable future.
I was watching ‘’Zane Lowe's top 50 rock stars of all time’’ with Axl.
I really really hate Zane Lowe now..
‘’And now we are getting serious, just before the break Axl Rose showed us just why he deserves to be in at number 10, and now for number 9 one of the biggest rock stars of all time.. Eminem’’ Zane explained
I froze for a moment, stared at the TV as the played on of eminems crap rap songs… rap being the underlined word, how on this earth could you put a rap person above AXL ROSE on the list of the biggest ROCK stars!!!??? Gob shite..
‘’Sophie.. Breath… breath Sophie..’’ Axl said calmly trying to hold me back from throwing the TV against the door and hitting it repeatedly with a baseball bat and burning the remains in a large fire I would make out of scraps of the coach, while roasting marshmallows…mmm marshmallows.
He eventually let me go and I kicked the TV off the stand, I watched as it hit the floor and the glass smashed into tiny shards..
‘’Please tell me you have a TV!’’ I asked pleasingly
‘’Yes Sophie..Don’t worry’’ Axl reassured me.
Becca was sitting by the microwave trying once again to make the melody to funky town by pressing the buttons in the correct order, but failing miserable, Justin sat and watched with amazement…
‘’So any plans for your last night here?’’ Justin asked
Me and Becca shared a glance, and we both shook our shoulders
‘’What?! Nothing!’’ Axl asked sounding shocked..
Becca started laughing and walked upstairs, we watched her with much confusion
She returned a minute or two later with stopwatch and a first aid kit.. Oh good god.
‘’Tonight.. We have a battle of which couple can get down to the ground floor and back up here on the yolk the window cleaners stand on! The winner gets to take the xbox..
We all gasped and accepted the challenge.
Myself and Axl started mentally preparing ourselves for the challenge.. And tried not to think about life without an xbox.
Becca and Justin weren’t going to know what hit them!
Becca stood in front of us, stopwatch in hand.
‘’the time has come! Its in destiny's hands now!’’ Becca said in a very deep meaningful voice
I couldn’t help snicker just a bit..
We were up first, I stood out onto the platform and grabbed the rope on one side while Axl grabbed the other side
Becca then played her machine gun ring tone on her phone and we were off..
I could feel the rope cutting my hands, but I couldn’t be thinking of that, I just kept thinking ‘’XBOX, XBOX’’ while Axl thought it was necessary to scream It to the world.. We were nearing the bottom when I noticed the rope on my end was beginning to fray, about 10 feet from the ground, It snapped and I fell, sliding down the platform and off it, I grabbed onto the edge of it, and trying to pull myself back up on it. Axl tried to walk toward me without letting go on the rope on his side, which would have doomed us both to a painful landing..
‘’DO YOU NEED THE FIRST AID KIT?!’’ Becca shouted from the apartment window dangling the small green box from the window.. Yes Becca that’s just what I need! Cream and bandages!
Axl then pulled a roll of duct tape latterly out of nowhere (duct tape is just amazing!)
He managed to tape the two parts of my rope together without letting go of his.. This made it easier for me to climb back up again, I clambered to my feet only to meet a very worried face, who had grabbed my hand getting back on to the platform, He insisted we took the stairs back up to the apartment
But I was very persistent in scaling the building on this little platform with a broken rope!
Me managed to return to the apartment with great difficulty.
We then explained what happened to Becca and Justin, They both looked very disappointed as we all agreed that it probably wouldn’t have been the best idea to go back out on it again.. Instead they found out who could run down the stair well the fastest
Speedy Gonzales of course won by 2.5 seconds..(that’s Becca by the way)
Justin looked very embarrassed, and disappointed..
Our last night turned out to be a good laugh, It ended with all four of us camping in the living room roasting marshmallows over the toaster, and jamming on the two guitars we had in the place..
Tomorrow was a going to be a long day..
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