One Less Lonely Girl.

Who knew Busking could be so joyful?!

I was abruptly awoken by falling off the sofa, onto the cold wooden floor, I opened my eyes to see I wasn’t the only one who had fallen..
Axl was sound asleep on the floor beside me, snoring away, I began to snicker.
I got to my feet and made my way out to the kitchen to fetch a bowl of frosties and two glasses of Pepsi.
I then returned to the living room and Blared Scuzz on the tv, Ozzy Osbourne’s Crazy Train filled the room with epic sound.
The hobo on the ground immediately responded and leaped into air guitar for about 20 seconds, then Jolted upstairs, While he was gone I began to devour my bowl of frosties.
‘’DUDE WE HAVE TO GO BUSKING!’’ Axl shouted from the top of the stairs, he was struggling to get his khaki trousers on while hopping down the stairs, I was waiting for him to fall and break his neck.. But no, this dude could multitask! (with the exception of Irish Breakfasts)
He slipped in some contorted way, and ended up doing the exorcist spider walk down the whole length of the stairs.. I looked in amazement as he began walking on two legs again, and walked swiftly to my side.. Kissing me softly. Still hadn’t got used to that..
‘’So lets go!’’ Axl said excitedly
‘’Go where?!’’ I asked curiously, wondering if he had been serious about his ramblings upstairs.
‘’Busking! I will play the bongo and sing, and it will give you the opportunity to try out your old les paul!’’ It seemed like he wouldn’t take no for an answer, so I asked him where and when..
‘’Now, and the city of course! You country folk can be so silly sometimes’’ He chuckled while grabbing his coat, bongo and house keys and leaving the house, I grabbed My coat, and my guitar, case in tow which I had left behind the couch from last night.
We were about half an hour away from the city, when I noticed that I had forgotten my amp..
‘’shit’’ I thought to myself
‘’Dude I forgot my amp’’ I said looking at Axl who was driving with his head out the window like a dog on a field trip.
‘’Check the Back’’ He tried to yell over the noise of the wind rushing in through the window..
Following instructions I clambered over the front seat and into the back of the van, rooting around in the endless pit of junk, Until I somehow came across a mini battery operated marshall amp, our day had been saved by Axl’s collection of crap! Well there’s something I never thought id say in this lifetime..
‘’Find anything?’’ Axl asked, finally closing the window and continuing to pay attention to the road in front of him, Something he rarely done.
‘’Yeah I found the mini marshall!’’ I said thankfully
‘’Ahh I knew that old thing would come in handy sometime’’ He said laughing
I climbed back over into my seat, attaching the amp to my belt.
We had pulled into a car park of a supermarket, And standing in front of the van, was an advertisment for various everyday items although one stood out
‘’45 cans of pepsi for 10 euro’’
‘’don’t worry Sophie, I’ll make sure we get a few cases before we go!’’ Axl laughed
I hadn’t said a thing.. mind reader!
Axl got out of the van and started walking to a street corner with all the stuff, I briskly followed.
He sat down on an electricity box, and I sat on the ground, I plugged the guitar into my amp and away we go.
Axl began to play the rythem to ‘smells like teen spirit’
I followed his lead and began to play the opening riff, as the song went on people began to notice and crowded around. Many throwing coins into my guitar case, But one person threw an unusual object into the case, something that made me freeze up, when I saw it.. A ring.
The crowd gasped, as Axl stood up and picked the ring out of the case,
I began to panic and tence up.. No Sophie.. NO FAINTING
He came up closer to me and knelt down on one knee.
‘’Sophie.. I know I have only We haven’t known each other long.. But since that day in Starbucks, I knee I would never find anybody like you again…
We share so much with each other
But I don’t want to just share it now, or tomorrow, or even next week
I want us to be sharing it for years to come..
I want to be with you until hell freezes over…
I love you….
Sohie Doyle of the land of Leprachauns
Will you marry me?’’
I was speechless.. The crowd began to let out aww’s and sighs of happiness
Waiting a reply.
‘’In the words of Axl Rose himself… FUCK YEAH!’’
Axl jumped to his feet and grabbed me in his arms and spun me round and round,
The crowd around us began to cheer and shout.
Axl kissed me, and never let go..
If only Becca was here to see it..
At that moment my phone began to ring, and Axl joyfully went and played the hell out of the bongo.
I anwered the phone..
‘’Heloo, you have reached Sophie soon to be Scott, how may I help you?’’
‘’What are you talk- wait… HE PROPOSED AND I MISSED IT!!??!!??’’ Becca yelled into her phone..
‘’Ok Sophie, don’t tell me a thing, wait til I get back, I’m in Canada with Justin, we are in his grandparents now, but we are leaving tonight, so you can spill the beans tomorrow! And trust me you will!’’ Becca shouted happily and then ended the call..
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I'm sorry I havent updated in a while...I have had serious writers block
but im back =P
Hope you enjoy! <3