One Less Lonely Girl.



We finally reached the door of the cockpit, I was starting to think about where sophie and axl where, what they were thinking, if they were alright.. But I had to focus! Justin kicked down the door with all his might, which slightly startled the passengers behind us, he nodded to them and the two of us ran in.
In the cockpit was the pilot and co pilot trying to fly the plane at gun point, Archibald was standing with his back to us holding a handgun, with what looked like a parachute on his back.
‘’Well look who’s arrived!’’ He said
‘’Its over archie.. Deactivate the bomb and nobody gets hurt!’’ Justin shouted
‘’On the contrary! Your not the only ones in this situation..ever thought about where your friends were up to? Well let me give you a clue, shall I? Sophie’s on a timer, and axl’s about to develop some road rage..’’
At that he pushed past us and darted down back toward the cargo pit
Surprised we ran after him catching up pretty close.
We got to the cargo bay, and he was opening the hatch to jump out
Justin ran up and grabbed him by the arm, trying his best to close the hatch, but it was no use, Archibald jumped out and Justin went with him….


I woke up in a daze, finding myself tied to a wooden chair, with a devise strapped to my chest
I didn’t plan on finding out what it was anytime soon.. I wanted to figure out where I was and how I got here… The last thing I remember is realising that Axl had left the house, after that blank!
I started to look around me to find an easy escape unfortunately I came up short.. The devise that was strapped to me was wired to a cement block on the table beside me. I wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. I was panicing over axl.. Where had he gone? Had he gone to Archibald? I knew nothing and I wasn’t going to find anything out by just sitting here waiting for someone to rescue the damsel in distress.. Daphnie eat your heart out!


I belted out to the van, and went hell for leather to the buildings.. I’m sorry but I can’t live my life without Sophie, She has to here.. Although nobody deserves to be in this situation my concience was eating me alive.. I had to find the switch too how am I supposed to find it.. What if its in the other building? Will I even get out alive.. 2 hours.. I can’t do this.
I was focusing so much on my thoughts, I forgot all about watching what was in front of me
I looked ahead and saw a lorry driving right for me, I swirved to the opposite side of the road hitting every car on the way, when another lorry was coming at my from the side, he rammed into the side of my van, I jumped from my seat, feeling like rag doll, my head like a bobel head, my last conscious thought was saving sophie.. And how I wasn’t going to be able to do it.
Axl’s van was pushed into a ditch followed by a large produce lorry, he fell unconscious.


I ran to the door and watched as Archibald and Justin plumited to the ground.. The only hope I had was then the parachute was opened.. Justin was going to be ok.. I needed to focus! I walked around the cargo bay looking, looking for something! When I came across a large container covered up. I took of the cover and it unleashed a tank filled with water, inhabited by one narwhal, I jumped at the sight of it, it’s a rare sight. And god I loved narwhals. While I was quickly admiring it I noticed it has something strapped on its back, a switch? Don’t tell me I was going to have to go in after it? I climbed the tank and on top was a cellphone with one number in its phonebook. I put it in my pocket and lifted the lid of the tank, the narwhal looked startled but came up to the top anyway. I petted it and carefully unstrapped the switch, I scaled back down the side of the tank and looked at the switch It was a simple switch with two buttons, one red and one green. I took out the phone and there was one message on it. It read
‘’Ring the number, if you get an answer, your friend is still alive and you both need to press your green switched simultaneously to save the passangers on the plane and your friend.. If you don’t get an answer then it’s the end of the road for you.’’
Sender: Annonomus. Of course..
I rang the number hoping I would get an answer, I had an idea It would either be Sophie or Axl..
I waited and waited for an answer I wasn’t giving up..


I Was startled by the ringing of a cell phone I hadn’t noticed on the table beside me.. I nudged the chair closer trying to answer the phone with my nose, after a few tries I finally got it
‘’SOPHIE?!’’ Becca answered.. She’s still alive?
‘’Becca!! Your ok! Listen I need you he-’’
‘’Listen Sophie we don’t have much time do you have a switch with a green and a red switch?’’ Becca interrupted
I looked around me, to find the devise I had strapped to me had a red and green switch just high enough for me to also reach with my nose.
‘’Yeah why?’’ I asked confused and panicked
‘’On the count of 3 press the green button! No questions JUST DO IT!’’
I acknowledged what I had to do and got ready..
I pressed the green button and the devise sparked and the light went out on it.
The phone went dead was becca knew it had worked.
I could now start concentrating on how to get out of this building and try to find axl.
I saw what looked to be a blunt blade on the floor a bit away from me, How lucky?
I tumbled the chair over so I was lying on my side I got the blade in between my fingers and starting cutting the rope after a while I was finally free, and I ran for the door.


Such weight was lifted off my shoulders when I knew Sophie was ok…
And that the plane was safe.. That’s if the text was true? All I had to worry about now was landing and fining Justin..
I desided to make my way to the cockpit to make sure the piliots were ok.
When I got there they were relieved the say the bomb had been deactivated, its control panel was sitting beside the door which was proof enough for me, we were 15 minutes away from landing safetly in Atlanta.


I had left the airport and was on my way to to find Sophie to see if she could help find Justin.. And Axl for that matter.
After a minute of walking my phone began to ring, it was sophie.. Saying Axl was in Alanta general hospital, he had been in a car crash, and he was in critical condition…..
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Hope you like it <3
took me forever to write :L