One Less Lonely Girl.

This can't be happening


I stood in shock and sophie sobbed on the other end of the line, this wasn’t over yet…the plane may have landed and sophie is safe, but axl….Justin… and Archibald could still be alive somewhere.
I told sophie I’d be there as soon as I could and I ended the call, I hauled a taxi and made my way to the hospital where sophie was waiting.


I sat looking at my fiance across the room in a hospital bed, unconscious, critical…
My tears started to well up, but I held them back, I don’t know for how long, but for now I was going to be strong.
I took his hand in mine and kissed his forehead, thinking about this morning thinking about busking, thinking about the ring.. All that just came crashing around me, My world was hanging in the balance.
A doctor entered the room and told me a visitor had arrived and for me to make sure I knew them.
I looked out the window to see becca looing in. I waved and signalled her to come in, the doctor nodded and left the room.
‘’Sophie..’’ Becca whispered as she came over to comfort me, then took a look at axl, he didn’t look good..
I swiched on the tv in the corner of the room and sat down, I knew there was nothing I could do until I knew what was going to happen to axl, and until then I was going to keep my mind of things.
The news was on the first channel and I was about to switch until becca told me to leave it on.
‘’Two people have been found in a large open field on the outskirts of west Virginia, the two seemed to be sky diving, although only one parachute was found, the oldest man has been realeased out of the nearest hospital, and the other one Justin Bieber has been moved to a hospital in Arizona where he will be kept for a period of time, We are not sure of this state of health at this time’’
Becca jumped from her seat after seeing the news report ‘’Arizona? That’s at the other side of the country!! I’ll never get there, ill never afford to get there.. God knows what ‘a period of time is’ That could be years!’’
I felt becca’s pain but she left out the part where archie had been let go.. Which means he’s still alive somewhere.. I wasn’t having that at all..
‘’I’m sorry but I need to find Justin’’ Becca said
‘’What?! He’s in Arizona!’’ I replied sounding shocked..
‘’I don’t care! I cant be without him! You’d go if it was Axl!’’
‘’Yeah, But if Justin was in axl’s position, I wouldn’t leave you!!’’
I knew this wasn’t going to end well but I wasn’t dropping it..
‘’What’s that supposed to mean’’ she said anger building..
‘’Your leaving me when I need you most, my fiance is lying in a bed and he could be dying for all I know!! And all you care about is your life with your celebrity!!’’
‘’You know its not like that….,’’ Becca sounded insulted
‘’Well I happen to know it is! So you go to Arizona, you get Justin and you have a great life! And make sure to send me a postcard!!!!’’ I yelled.
Becca stormed out of the room, and a doctor entered
Looking confused but didn’t ask questions.
‘’Ms.Doyle?’’ The doctor asked
‘’yes…’’ I said sounded worried at his tone of voice
‘’Im afraid your fiance has gone into a coma…and we can’t be certain he is going to be coming out of it any time in the near future..but I can assure you we will do our best to help you both’’


I left the hospital, in a fit of frustration not knowing what to do next
Do I leave, or do I go back and appologise to sophie, is she right? She does need somebody..
But I can’t leave Justin..
I ran across the street and caught the bus slowing down.
‘’airport please’’
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I know its short, but i hope you like it <3