One Less Lonely Girl.

Back to the future

6 months later.
Sophie’s perspective.

I left work and started walking to my car, crossing over the short carpark seemed to take forever today, When I finally reached the impala, I swiched on the radio and drove home to free bird.
I had been living in Axl’s house since I had nowhere left to go, And Axl was still in his coma, showing no signs of coming out. It was difficult living in what he had lived in everyday for years, but this was home to me now and I had to stay.
I put the keys on the coffee table and made my way to the kitchen on my way I glanced the the framed photo I had hanging on the wall of Axl, Becca, Justin and me about 7 months ago.
I hadn’t spoken or heard from Becca or Justin since Axl went into his coma It was difficly but I learned to live being alone in the world, After all I had my dogs.
About a month after Becca left I adopted two german Sheppard puppies from an animal sanctuary
And called them ‘axl’ and ‘rose’ they were the only things keeping me going.
I hadn’t called home since I got the guitar, even though I promised to leave it as long, I just felt no urge in keeping in contact with anybody..and the moment I didn’t need anybody, but if somebody came along id gladly take the company. Every day I would go to the hospital and stay with axl for an hour, but today I decided to stay home and maybe catch an early night.
It was about 9 at night and I went to sit on the coach to watch tv, nothing was on but ‘the devils rejects’ so I flipped it on and after about an hour I had fallen asleep.

Becca’s perspective.

I pulled the curtains, and joined Justin on the sofa, the maple leafs were playing a hockey match and apparently is was one not to be missed.
At half time I got up to horde the kitchen for something to eat, As I went to open the fridge something on the door caught my eye.. It was a photo of sophie and axl, Justin and me.. Months ago
I realised I hadn’t spoken or heard from sophie since the whole Archibald thing. I didn’t even know if Axl was alright.. I starting thinking about what would have happened if I hadn’t come to Arizona.
If I had of gone back into the hospital to appologise to sophie. I never wanted this fight to last six months, I didn’t want this to tear us apart, to put us at opposite sides of the united states..
When I came to Arizona and found Justin, he was in pretty bad shape but he came out of it pretty quickly and he had planned for us to go to back to Atlanta, but part of me wanted to stay.. Part of me wanted to start again. But now I know I belong over there, I belong with the person I came here with.
Justin’s phone started to ring and after a minute he came running into the kitchen

Sophie’s perspective.

I woke up to the screams of the victims in the movie I had decided to watch, when my eyes decided to finally focus I found the remote and switched off the tv, and looked at the clock ’12.30’ I walked to the kitchen to get a can of pepsi and a box of Pringles, I was deliberating going up to bed or staying up for another bit.. Then I remember work in the morning so I decided to call it a night.
I started up the stairs before I heard a knock at the door, the door? I thought to midnight
Who the hell would be calling at midnight. I looked out the window to see who it was but I couldn’t recognise the sillohette. I proceded to opening the door carefully to find a tall man in what looked like pajamas and a hoodie with the hood up, I was so close to closing the door, until he raised his hands and pulled down the his hood to unveil his long blonde hair…It was Axl.
’’AXL!! WHAT? HOW? WHERE??’’ I shouted trying to pull him In out of the pouring rain.
‘’Marry me! Marry me right here and right now!’’ He said grabbing my hand and kissing me
I handed felt him do that in months it was almost like I had forgotten part of him.
‘’What are you talking about its lashing rain! And half 12 at night! Come in!!!’’
‘’No! Everybody is here! I have a minister, I have Becca, and Justin.. I have your family here, and I have your friends from home..’’
‘’How long have you been awake??’’ I asked sounding let down that I wasn’t told sooner
‘’That doesn’t matter, what matters is that the two of us are here now, and this is our time. Trust me..’’
I looked behind him and becca was standing in her dress she had worn for our first date with Justin and axl… she ran and hugged me and appologised over and over for leaving me vunreble for so long, Lou my best friend from Ireland came following here, I hadn’t seen her in so long! Carrie and megan came in after… everyone was here.. He had done all this.
I ran upstairs with Becca, Lou and carrie and megan up to my room and raided my wardrobe until I found my tie dye dress, the only dress I had, and quickly put it on, Becca done my hair, and lou done my makeup in about 15 minutes.. I was too excited to keep everybody waiting, my fiance had just come out of a coma after 6 months my friends and family were here… I wanted it to last forever.
After I was ready carrie and megan insisted on doing their own makeup which took longer than I took getting ready all together!
But after all of us girls were finally done, we made our way downstairs to axl who had changed into his worn jeans and pantera tshirt, my mam, dad, brother, and friends. And Justin of course who was in awe of becca walking down.
Axl met me at the bottom of the stairs and took my hand and helped me down the last two, then brought me out into the garden where chairs had been set out in behind axl’s combi, and on the combi was frank kelly (father jack hacket in father ted.) I couldn’t believe it… everything was perfect, axl led me up and helped me up onto the combi where he joined me, we stood in front of frank and everybody started sitting down.
The ceremony was a short but enjoyable one, occasionaly I gazed up into the starlit night sky wondering if anything could ever be this real again,if everything could ever be this good again..
I then looked back to Axl as he repeated after the minister word for word,
Me doing the same, my eyes not leaving axl’s. And finally I ducked down to get the rings that carrie and megan were holding I gave one to axl and kept one myself, I slid my one onto his finger, as he did for me. Time had slowed down everything was more easily appreciated.
’’I do’’ I heard axl say with a smile that lit up the night.
The minister asked me the same question and without hesitation I followed suit ’’I do’’
‘’Well then I now prenounce you husband and wife.. You may kiss the bride’’
Axl swooped me up, kissed me passionately and put me back on my feet while everybody stood and cheered, I turned to becca and lou my bridesmaides, carrie and megan my flower girls, and my parents who were standing in front.. I ran to hug them for the first time in years, knowing da especially had made the effort because of his terrible fear of flying..
‘’congratualtions sophie’’ they both said almost in tears, I hugged them again and then went back to axl who was talking to his parents.
’’Welcome to the family’’ his dad told me hugging me tightly, my parents had walked over and were doing the same for Axl.
The rain had stopped and most people were making their way back inside
I was talking to carrie and megan, and telling them why they couldn’t move in with me over here..
Although it upset them they understood.
‘’Right muppet’’ Axl called from behind me ’’where are we off to?’’
‘’Well I don’t know about you.. But im going to bed..’’
We went inside and thanked everybody for coming and organised for celebrations in the morning.
I started up the stairs for a second time, this time axl in hand.. I had him now and I wasn’t letting him go again, the two of us hopped into bed, He put his arm around me, and he promised he would never leave me again.
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well hope you enjoyed it....
I'll be back when i figure out what to put into it next xP