One Less Lonely Girl.


I woke up that morning with the strangest craving for marshmallows…
I got up slowly trying not to wake axl who was still conked out beside me, I snuck downstairs and into the kitchen stepping on every creaky floorboard on the way down, made my way to the kitchen and started rooting in the kitchen, but to no avail.. There was not a single marshy mallowy product in the room, So I settled on a twinky.. God that twinky was good!
We were expecting becca and Justin early, the four of us had planned to go out in celebration of well.. Everything! When I finished my twinky I heard an almighty thump from upstairs, I wonder who that was…
‘Mornin!!’ I shouted upstairs laughing
I started up the stairs again to make sure he could get back off the floor again, It was weird having him here, after six months of living here on my own.
‘’come on you muppet, you have to get up becca and Justin are coming over!’’
He winced at the thought of having to go downstairs.
‘’listen you have been sleeping for 6 months, if anyone deserves a break its me….’’
He laughed and agreed
‘’So, what are we doing today anyway?’’ Axl mumbled
I started thinking about that myself and realised I hadn’t a clue
The doorbell rang and I casually walked down the stairs trying to make time for axl to crawl out and get ready.
I saw becca looking in through the glass
I answered the door and she grabbed me by the shoulders
‘’Em…no.. do you not know?’’ I asked slightly frightened at how paranoid becca was.
‘’No he wont tell me!! He’s not even here yet.. He said he’d meet us here in like half and hour’’ she said frustrated as she stormed into the kitchen putting on the kettle and pacing back and forth
Axl appeared from nowhere behind us wondering what all the shouting was about, we quickly explained and he sighned and plonked down on the couch turning the tv on.
The time came when Justin finally decided to arrive, he hurried us all into his car, and he drove after an hour driving axl finally asked him where the hell were we going, but nobody was getting anything out of him, Axl was in the passenger seat and he shimmied over to Justin whispering something in his ear, Justin nodded and they both started laughing and hi5ing, me and becca looked at each other confused.. ‘’guys’’ we said simultaneously and laughed ourselves.
We finally pulled into a carpark and Justin got out of the car with all of us following, not knowing where we were at all.
‘’Ok sophie, across the street, in that café slash is having coffee’’ Justin shouted
I grabbed axl’s arm and legged it across the street.
‘’As for you missy, I have a surprise for you!’’ He said taking becca’s hand and walking across the carpark.


I anxiously walked up to the large building Justin was leading me to, don’t get me wrong, I would go into any building if it was with him, but something felt off today.. This was different.
He came up to the large steel doors
‘’Are you ready? He asked me
‘’ ready as ill ever be I guess’’ I answered
He pushed open the doors to reveal a warehouse filled with huge tanks
Before focusing on what was in the tanks I read the sign on the wall
‘’Welcome to Atlanta’s best and only Narwhal sanctuary’’
I squeezed justins hand so tight I wouldn’t be surprised if I stopped the blood flow for a while…
‘’narwhal? Narwhals? Lots of narwhals?’’ I said in a mad panic to go over to the tanks
‘’No you have to get your gear first’’ Justin said stopping me from running over
‘’gear? Gear for what?’’ I asked curiously
‘’Swimming of course!’’
‘’swimming? Narwhals? Swimming with the narwhals???’’ I shouted and flaled and skipped with excitement as I got ready to embark on the best day ever!!
Sophie was going to be soo jealous!
We were swimming with them for about 2 hours, before we both were sitting at the side of the tank
‘’thank you for this…’’ I said
‘’No problem’’ Justin replied brushing my hair behind my ear.
‘’I love you’’ he said
‘’I love you too’’ I smiled..
Justin jumped back into the tank and I followed
He was standing on the bottom and I tried to get down to him
He had something in his hand
It was a piece of card..
He swam up so he was in front of me, still under water, and I wasn’t holding my breath for ever..
He held the piece of card up in front of me and the words which I was craving to hear were written..
‘’Will you marry me?’’
I swam up to the top to catch my breath and he swam up as well
‘’Of course I will!!!’’ I shouted hugging him
Our hug was interrupted by a narwhal you had swam up in between us, It put its horn up in my view and I finally saw what it was trying to show me, it had a ring on its horn.. I took it off carefully and Justin placed it on my finger
‘’by the way this narwhal is my wedding present to you.. It’s called steve and it shall live here and we shall visit it every day!’’
I was so close to fainting..but I knew I couldn’t, got to stay cool!
The only words I could manage to stutter out were
‘’olive you’’
Smooth becca….smooth.
Justin laughed and played along
‘’olive you too becca!’’
We both laughed, and sat back at the side of the tank.
‘’well by now sophie will have realised slash wasn’t having coffee in that coffee shop, and will have finished the 25 cans of pepsi I paid for, so we should probably head out’’
I agreed, and we both made our way to the changing room quickly getting ready, said goodbye to steve and we left the sanctuary, Sophie and Axl were waiting on a wall beside where the car was parked, sophie looked a mix of hyper and pissed off which was never good, and axl just looked scared so we thought It would be best if we headed home.
Showing sophie my ring before we got into the car, and telling her all about it on the way home which was a long time with Justin behind the wheel.
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<3 for becca :P