One Less Lonely Girl.


I looked around, and Becca was tending to Justin who had since woken up
I offered to get him ice, and started walking slowly toward the kitchen
I made it to the fridge before I broke down in tears, I couldn’t think I could stay strong for much longer.. Was it just not meant to be?
Axl had just come back into my life, and he was gone again. I started to think if I could get attached to him again without being in constant fear of losing him for a third time, but that was if I was ever going to see him again this time. I knew he was hurt and the only thing I wanted to know was if he was ok. Why couldn’t he have told me all of this?
There was no trust in this relationship, I had just never realised it, I was blinded by love and only now am I starting to see the flaws.
I remembered what I was here for, and got some ice for Justin
‘’Thank you’’ Becca said standing behind me.
‘’Sophie I’m so sorry, we will do everything we can to help find axl…’’
I appreciated it but right now I just wanted to be alone.
I walked past Justin who had since sat up against the wall, he shared an attempted smile as I walked by and up the stairs.
The phone rang when I had reached my room. Becca answered
I didn’t bother listening I just burried my face into my pillow and made out random words of the conversation, It sounded like becca couldn’t hear what the other person was saying…
Someone then stormed into room saying that Axl had just called and he told becca to tell me to turn on the tv. I hesitated as I reached for the controls on my bed side table which seemed miles away from me, when I turned around Justin had crawled up the stairs to join us as I switched on the first channel. It was a news programme based in Ireland. There were two men talking about a number of robberies from a dairy factory in Wicklow town. I turned it off thinking this was just a joke, but I got a text about 5 minutes later from an unknown number saying ‘’ I think its more than what it looks like, nobody believes me, but I think if I uncover it for what it really is, they might finally let us be together with no distractions, this is the last you’ll hear from me for a few months. Just remember that I love you always have and always will’’
I guess it was real.
Another few months…
My heart sank, but I felt a beam of hope that he was ok
And that there will be a chance this will be the last time he is taken away from me..
I guess that beam of hope is the only thing I have to hold on to.