One Less Lonely Girl.

master plan.. MUAHAHAHAHA

We retreated to the nearest and less creepiest populated area we could find, only to be told we were in now ay going to make ridgedale park before Justin left, even if we travelled by jetpack.
Becca held her head in sorrow, I knew how much this meant to her, I endured the numerous shoulder punched of excitement last time she saw him, even though she does thast every other day, I knew it meant a lot to her. And I was not going to let her be like this, I couldnt bear to see her this upset.
We returned to our appartment by cab, And Becca ran straight to her room and didnt come out.
I started scheming on my master plan. I had decided to call the agency in which Justin is involved with... what a mistake that was! At the time, the jonas brothers were having a bad patch(and heres me thinking their whole career was a bad patch) silly me...
Anyway a deal had to be made... If I wanted Justin Bieber to come and do a private concert for Becca The Jonas Brothers had to attend. HA! like that was going to happen, I slammed down the phone in a fit of frustrated laughter.
Becca rose early that morning, and found me lying on our couch in somewhat of an awkward position, she placed her hand on my right shoulder and made her attempt to wake me, unfortunitly faling. So she found that this a great oppurtunity to blare ''bieber fever top 20'' a music shoe she had recorded the night before. Well needless to say that woke up!
Becca looked at me in a very sinical manner, She started asking me why i had slept on the couch and why the reciever for the phone was on the floor in peices....oops.
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dedicated to the passing of the phone reciever =P