One Less Lonely Girl.

unexpected departure

1 month later

I sat against the van, watching the water glisten as the sun hit the surface.
I held the gold band in my hand, holding on to it with every last hope I had.
‘’Everything will be ok’’ I whispered to myself.
‘’Everything usually is’’ I turned around to see Becca standing behind me
‘’Oh I thought..’’ I stuttered
‘’Nah.. I got a sandwhich and now im eating it here with you’’
‘’Fair enough’’ I said giggling
We split the sandwhich and headed back to the house
It wasn’t a long drive but it felt like it would never end.
We finally pulled into the driveway and made our way into the house, Justin was sitting watching tv scoffing down what looked like my popcorn. I scowled at him and he met my glance, slowly putting the bowl on the floor and kicking it across to me.
Being alone had put it’s toll on me, but I was making my way through life anyway looking forward to the return of my knight in a shiny black cadilac.

‘’I know! Lets play Halo… I finally bought halo reach and I’ll show you’s both how a professional does it!’’ Becca announced. I found myself rather drawn to the idea
‘’Your on!’’ I replied
Justin had already ran into the kitchen where becca had left the game in a red paper bag
He slipped it into the ps3 and sat back into the sofa controller in hand
I grabbed a can of pepsi from the press and joined them, ok lets do this shit..!
The battle was long and well played, but yours truly came out victorious..mainly because becca found it necessary to shoot random objects in fields and run around in circles a lot shooting anything and everything around her except me and Justin..
‘’Well that was interesting!’’ Justin laughed
‘’You’s cheated…’’ Becca exclaimed
‘’My controller wouldn’t work as good as it did yesterday!’’
Me and Justin laughed, Justin attacked her from behind calling her a sore loser but it was ok because she had nice shoes! That’s all you need in life…
The clock striked 11, we had been playing halo for 6 hours straight..
So I decided to call it a night, I headed up the stairs and fell on my bed checking my phone knowing there wasn’t anything on it, just a growing habit..just in case.
I sat up in bed with my laptop beside me, hoping somebody at home would be up at 4 in the morning but much to my dismay the internet was empty, full of strangers who wouldn’t understand my pain.

I woke up to the sound of something hitting my window, I looked over to my left and saw the time 4:35 am, I groaned and got up to see who or what it was. I slowly opened the curtains and and looked down to the lawn, I saw someone standing there signalling at me to move back,
If you wanted me to move back why throw stones at my window?? Who the hell are you even!
Ughh.. Both dazed and confused I went back to my bed and awaited what was on its way
About 2 minutes later the sound of wind being thrown around and around entered the room, becca and Justin both ran in wondering what the hell it was..
There was then a chopper hovering outside the window, the side door was open and Axl was standing in the opening, I ran to the window and opened it as wide as it could go.
‘’IT’S NOT SAFE HERE! WE HAVE TO GO.. NOW!!!’’ Axl shouted from the chopper, I looked at becca and she looked back confused
Without thinking, I climbed out onto the window sill and made my best attempt and jumping across, just about grabbing onto the ledge, axl grabbed my arm and pulled me in, he screamed over to becca to hurry up, who was making her way outside the window, but Justin took her arm
‘’I can’t go!’’ Justin said
‘’What are you talking about? You heard axl we arnt safe here!’’ Becca sounded worried
‘’I cant leave! My life is here! Im sorry…you go, but I can’t go with you! I love you…’’ Justin let go of becca’s arm and stepped away from the window
‘’BECCA COME ON’’ I shouted, as axl was getting nervous
Becca looked at us then looked at Justin
‘’Please….’’ She whispered
‘’I’m sorry becca I can’t leave, this is where I belong, this is where im supposed to be, I want you to be here with me, but obviously that can’t happen… I love you remember that’’
A tear fell from becca’s eye as she raised her hand to justins face and kissed him for what could be the last time, then looked over and leaped at the chopper, as soon as we were on board we started getting higher and starting heading east…
Becca looked at axl tears in her eyes
‘’You’ve got a lot of answering to do’’ She said to him infuriated by her departure
I took axl’s hand and looked back at the house which was nearly out of sight..
‘’Don’t worry, we might come back someday, but right now we need to leave here, trust me.’’
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading <3