One Less Lonely Girl.

Crazy straws

I woke up on my own accord to find myself lying on me and beccas couch. I tried to pull myself up, but my attempt was brutally interupted by Axl pushing me back down again.
After seeing his familiar face, I remembered what had happened at Starbucks... The feelings came rushing back, But i shielded them away for the time being.
Axl sat beside me while Becca fetched me a can of pepsi, she knows me too well! ''How are you feeling?'' well lets see, im a desperate loner who just landed face flat on a concrete floor! ''Never been better'' Becca approached the couch and handed me the can of pepsi, with specially added crazy straw!
''You took quite a fall back there'' Thank you Axl, Captain obvious. ''Yeah i guess so..''
Becca spoke for the first time since i woke up ''Axl had to carry you all the way to the appartment, the doctor then came to see you and said you had a stress induced panic attack, and fainted.'' I looked surprised but i was expecting something along those lines.
''You carried me?''
Axl blushed and shyed away to the fridge after realising I had finished my can of pepsi.
I looked at Becca, and she was nodding frantically at me, although that was nothing unusual, thats just Becca after her coffee!
I lay back down after I heard Welcome to the jungle bounce of the walls of the building, It was Axl's cellphone.
But he was occupied attending to the finishing touches of my beverage, so he signaled Becca to answer it.
You could tell she was deliberating answering the phone and insisting she was Antonio and Won Ton's pizzeria...oh those were the days.
She decided not to and answered the phone with an everyday hello. By this stage Axl had returned with my beverage, with a crazy straw of course..
I hadnt realised he was holding my hand until he sqeezed it tightly after something hit the ground, he quickly let go and jumped to his feet, turns out it was Becca that had hit the floor. how dare she steal my fainting fad!
Axl went to pick up his phone, which had also been dropped on the flloor, and wouldnt you know who was on the other end of the line?
lone behold,
Justin Bieber.
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Sorry its been a while... been busy with school and stuff xP but im back =D
enjoy :P