

“This is ridiculous.” She muttered to herself as she stirred the soup she was cooking. It was her favorite kind with beans, noodles, carrots, and other vegetables. It was a soup she would prepare for a close friend, not her mortal enemy.

She stopped stirring and leaned against the counter of her kitchen, staring absentmindedly at the clock. He would be here in just under thirty minutes, plenty of time for the soup to finish and for her mind to grow restless.

She turned back to the soup and angrily began shaking spices and seasoning into the pot.

“Cruel and unusual punishment,” She said under her breath, stirring once again.

Why had they chosen her to host his congratulations dinner? Maybe the managers were out to get her. Yes, that was it. Why else would they accept his third idea in a row as opposed to her ideas that had been there all along? They were based on the same principle; they just had different tactics. In her opinion, his were less than ethical.

But what could she do? She wanted, needed to keep her job. After all, it had taken her years to get there.

At least it would be a small party. It was to be only the three managers, her mortal enemy, and herself.

Sighing, she got dishes out of the cupboard to set the table with.

Minutes ticked by. Soon it was only five minutes until the guests were due. She checked and rechecked everything, making sure it was perfect, and pulled off her apron to put it away.

Looking out a window, she saw her enemy coming up the sidewalk to the front door.

Hate burned inside of her and she let it, encouraged it. She didn’t care what happened to him. She just wished he wasn’t here.

There was a knock and she opened the door, her hands shaking with rage. She threw on a last minute fake smile.

“Well, hello, John! It’s great to see you! Come on in!”
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just a story i wrote for English class... mama-val suggested i post some other little stories on here. :)