Status: Currently Writing


The Webs I Weave

After the 12 hour bus ride i was exhausted. I crashed as soon as i hit the bed.

Next thing i knew i woke up 14 hours later at 6:00 PM.

As much as i hated to say it, if i wanted to continue to support myself i was going to have to find work.

I noticed a flyer as i was walking down the street. It was taped to a street light and read " Rhythm guitarist needed. Contact Ronnie Radke."

There was a number written at the bottom. I grabbed the flyer, headed for the nearest pay-phone and dialed the number.

A man answered with "Hello?" "Yes, is Ronnie Radke there?" I asked. He paused. "RONNIE!" .

Then i heard some shuffling before he picked up the phone."Yes?" He said.

"Hi, my name is Ellis. I'm calling about the rhythm guitarist you needed."

"Meet us at this address at 4:00 PM tomorrow and bring your guitar! " "Us?" i asked.

He hung up without a reply.

So it was settled, at 4 tomorrow my new life began. I headed home to get some rest.

I had no idea what tomorrow had in store for me.